I know this is long overdue but aaaaah! The Cast!

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I don't generally put up casts for my books because I feel that putting up casts kind of ruins the imagination maybe? I mean maybe you guys imagine someone else and I imagine someone else so putting up casts kind of ruins this.

BUT when I saw this picture, I immediately fell in love and I just knew she HAD to be Alison! I mean, she's just perfect! She's just like how I imagined Alison!

BUT when I saw this picture, I immediately fell in love and I just knew she HAD to be Alison! I mean, she's just perfect! She's just like how I imagined Alison!

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And you know what the funny thing is?

I have no idea who she is.

But she's perfect, just look at her! Not a skinny model but still so pretty! She's just....so real!

And Ryder? I have no idea who should be. It's completely up to you! I mean, he's just too amazing that no actors can ever portray him ♥♥♥♥♥

.....and no, I'm not in love with my own character!.....Um...maybe a little?

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