Chapter 12 - I wanted to hear the mosquitoes sing!

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Dedicated to @alessiacandella for her amazing support! Gosh, you're really way too kind! Love you!

You know the thing about being silent so they wouldn't catch us?

Yeah, well that went out of the window right after five minutes.

"Gosh I'm so excited!" Alexis whisper yells at me as we tip toe behind them. Their pace is becoming faster by each minute. We have to almost run to keep up with them.

And believe me when I say this, running behind someone while hiding yourself in the shadows and trying to not make any sound so they wouldn't catch you isn't exactly a walk in the park.

Specially when the person you're doing it with is wearing 6 inch high heels which makes sounds that can wake up the whole continent.

"I never thought I'd commit a crime!" she giggles to herself.

"Shut up!" I whisper trying to keep up with their pace, "And I thought committing a crime is something Sam would be interested in. Not you!"

We quickly duck behind a bush when they suddenly come to a halt.

Peeking over it, I narrow my eyes at their direction.

"What are they doing?" Alexis asks bewildered as Ryder leans on a street lamp and Andrew stands beside him smoking a cigarette.

"Maybe they're having a secret romantic tryst?" I ask dumbly.

"Yes. Of course. Why didn't I think of that?" she rolls her eyes, "After all it is a romantic restaurant in Italy."

Scowling at her I turn my attention back. I can see that they're talking amongst themselves as their lips are moving but I can't make out the words since we're too far away.

"By the way, where do you think we are?" Alexis asks me, excitement dripping from her voice.

I roll my eyes at her, "What do I look like? The Google maps?"

"Geez, just asked a simple question!" she grumbles.

I feel bad for snapping at her when she's clearly going through a hard time and just looking for a distraction. So glancing at our surroundings one more time I reply, "I think we're in some kind of a park."

They are standing under a street lamp in a small clearing. Carefully cut out bushes surround the area. The dim street light did nothing but make the area look more creepy. I look around and sure enough a find a gate far from us.

So it is a park.

I grab Alexis' arm and point over to its direction, "Look there's the gate!"

She squints trying to figure out the words carved onto it. As its on the other side of the clearing, it's really hard to make out the words properly.

"What does it say?" she whispers.

I bite my lip, "Uh, it says The Simpsons park."

She stares at me blankly, "Its The Crimsons idiot!"

"Oh yeah!" I snap my fingers.

She shakes her head at me amused and turns her attention back to them.

Of course I saw it was called The Crimsons Park. I'm not that stupid. Then why did I make a fool out of myself you might ask? Well, it's simple. Alexis needs to cheer up. Be it by stalking my crush with me or me making a fool out of myself. I don't mind.

Because doesn't the side character in every story always make a fool out of themselves? To make the readers laugh?

I know some people would say that I have no self esteem but its not true. I just know what I am. I know I'm an awesome person but not the main attention.

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