Chapter 22 - Wannabe Batmans and Ninja Turtles.

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Dedicated to Loulou1009 because she literary binge read all of my books and voted and commented on every chapter XD Love you! Thanks so much for reading.

Alison POV

Some time ago

Someone has mistaken my head for a drum and is tuning the music for his new song on it.

What did I do now?

Drink my weight in alcohol?

Well, knowing me it isn't really impossible.

My eyelids feel like someone had stitched them shut. I feel my back resting on a flat platform, probably a chair. I try to move my hands but they are tied painfully behind my back. Groaning with pain, I flutter open my eyes.

The first thing I notice is the barrel of a gun pointed directly at me.

My eyes travel down the arm of the holder and to his face. His face is half covered with a black mask. Cruel hazel eyes stare at me from underneath it. His blonde hair is tucked underneath a baseball cap.

"Finally," he smirks cruelly, "I have something that is precious to Ryd-"

"Oh my God! You're Batman!" I gasp in surprise.


"The fuck?" he asks coldly as he takes a step towards me.

"You're not?" I ask confused, "Then-Oh I get it!"

I smile at him brightly, "I'm so sorry for my mistake."

Smiling, he nods slightly, "It's alright-"

"You're a Ninja Turtle, right?"

He closes his eyes groaning, "How hard did you hit her head, Jay?"

It's then that my attention turns towards the other guy standing in the corner of the small dim lit room. He has both of his hands stuffed inside his pocket with a cool glare on his face. His face is covered with a black mask too but his eyes glare at me with a force so great that I can't help flinching slightly.

"Not strong enough, it seems," he replies coldly.

His voice brings back memories. Isn't he the one who had suddenly grabbed me inside Ryder's house?

Memories of that event rush towards me.

The carnival.

Me as an asshole.

Ryder's house.

My eyes widen as I think about it. These people..they were in Ryder's house. Is he okay? Is Carla alright?

Worry about yourself first, bitch.

Yeah, why had they taken me?

How much time has passed since then? There is no way to tell the time in this small room with no windows I'm enclosed within.

Keep calm Lisa. They're nothing but wannabe Batmans and Ninja Turtles.

Trying to act nonchalant I frown at him, "Normal people shouldn't hit other people randomly without warning. It's rude."

He chuckles humorlessly, "So should I have asked beforehand? 'Milady, would you like to be hit on the head with the back of a gun?'"

I stare at him sarcastically but don't form a reply.

The blonde guy in front of me smirks catching my attention, "Wouldn't you like to know why you're here?"

I shrug, "Let me guess. One of my friends did something to piss you off and now you're gonna do something to me to piss them off, right?"

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