Chapter 2 (Edited) - Stop reading those good girl & bad boy stories on Wattpad!

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Chapter 2 - Stop Reading Those Good Girl and Bad Boy Books On Wattpad.


"So who'as he?" I ask as I plop down a chair beside Sam.

"Who?" She asks while sipping her juice.

I smirk. "You know? Mr. When-did-you-get-out-of-jail?"

She chokes on her juice.

Laughing I pat her back. "What? Couldn't handle a joke?"

Wiping her mouth she throws me a death glare. "Fuck you."

Chuckling I lean back in my chair. It was lunch time and Chloe was doing her math assignment. Shocker.

And Alexis was probably making out with her boyfriend in the janitor's closet. Again, shocker.

"No seriously. Who's he?"

Sam waves it off with a shrug. "Just an old friend."

"With benefits?" I ask wagging my eyebrows.

She makes a disgusted face. "Yuck no. He's hot and all but I think of him more as a brother than a fucker. "

I nod professionally. "Nice rhyming. Keep it up and soon you'll top what's-that-old-guy-I-read-about-in-history-class?"

"Einstein, I think?" Sam says as she scratches her head in confusion. "But wasn't he a fashion designer?"

I frown in confusion. "No, Einstein was a werewolf. Probably a Beta."

Chloe lifts her head from her textbook and gives us an unimpressed look. Sighing she shakes her head at us, as if we were truly hopeless. "Shakespeare was the poet, you idiots! And why the hell would Einstein be a fashion designer much less an werewolf?!"

We blatantly ignore her and proceed to the more important task at hand.

Finding information on the new hot guy who somehow resembled those bad boys in those books!

"What's his name?"

"Ryder Woods."

"Is he new here?" I ask propping my elbows up on the table.

"Is this an CIA interrogation?" She fires back with a glare.

I roll my eyes and say "Knowing you, I kind of suspect that you have been through a number of those too."

She gives me a secretive smile which I choose to ignore for my sanity's sake.

"Just answer the damn question," I say giving her a flat stare.

"Not really," Sam says biting her lip. "He lived here before. But he moved away at the end of sophomore year."

Sophomore? That explains why I don't know him since I just moved here at the beginning of junior year.

A flash of memories from my past school flashes in front of my eyes, but I blink it away.

No, Lisa. Not the time.

It wouldn't do anything to ponder over a stupid past.

My thoughts are interrupted by Sam."No one really knows what happened but suddenly he's back. Wanna know what I think? He probably got arrested for vandalizing or fighting in the Times Square."

I cock an eyebrow at her. "So is he some kind of a gang leader or something?"

She shrugs and continues to sip her juice.

Uh huh. Totally not suspicious.

Raising an eyebrow at her vague answer, my eyes wander towards Chloe. "Hey, Kevin's throwing a party this weekend to celebrate the start of our senior year. Wanna go?"

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