Chapter 11 - Friends who stalk together, stay together.

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Dedicated to Erika-Summer Thanks so much for your support! Check out her book guys!

Monday rolls in and I'm more grumpy than ever. I was not a morning person and the thought that I'd have see Ryder in my first class today didn't help my mood much.

"You look like shit," Sam comments raising an eyebrow at me.

I roll my eyes as I take my books out of the locker, "Thanks so much for the boost to the self esteem my best friend. Don't you have anything better to do? Like play hide and seek with Mason?"

She glares at me, "One word about that to anyone and rest assured that your body will be buried six feet under in one hour."

I smirk and wave at Chloe who has just seen us and rushes towards us.

"Hey Chloe! Do you know Sam likes to play kinky games with Mason-"

The rest of my sentence is muffled my Sam's death grip on my mouth, "What the hell? I just told you bitch-"

I smack her hand away and tut, "Nope. You told me to don't say one word to anyone. I didn't say one word! I said lots of them!"

Sam looks like she's about to jump on me and do some serious damage when the bell rings.

Dragging a confused Chloe by her hand, I dash for our classes.

"Lisa!" Chloe protests, "I didn't even get my books out!"

"What's more important to you? My life or your books?"

"Well," she gives me a pointed look.

I groan,"Fantastic."

She laughs, "You know I was just jocking, right? I love you."

I smile nodding, "Yeah, yeah. But I don't swing your way. Sorry."

She smacks my arm chuckling and we sit down on our sits. The teacher hasn't come yet so everyone is engaged in conversations. I glance around the room but don't spot Ryder anywhere.

A strange mixture of relief and disappointment floods me. I try to shake the thoughts away.

Lisa, don't act like such a child!

Chloe sees my expressions, "Hey, you okay?"

I grin at her, "Of course! Why wouldn't I be?"

I've gotten really good at masking my emotions over the years. Since my old school's incident, I vowed that I'd never again let myself show my weakness and sadness to anyone.

I'll always be the happy-go-lucky girl. That way I can blow off every insult that is thrown at me like a joke.

No matter how much I want to cry, I'll always put on a smile.

And hope that someday, that smile just might turn into a real one.

She smiles buying my act, "Nothing. I was just worried. Because you know...You'd have to see him?"

After we left the shop yesterday, I had to physically hold back Chloe from barging in there and chocking Karin not to mention from giving Ryder a piece of her mind too.

Gee, too much TV Chloe.

Besides I'm not the main character. I was never supposed to get the guy. Small crushes on him are fine but hoping for something greater than that?


He's obviously meant for someone much more beautiful and qualified person than me like Chloe or even Leah.

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