Chapter 23 - How much are you paying him per night?

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Dedicated too IMAMANDUH. I know that this is long overdue but I really wanted to dedicate a chapter to you, my amazing friend! Thank you so much for your support on my stories!

Okay on you go!

Ryder POV (Because you guys are amazing XD)

The soft humming of the cold night wind is like a lullaby to my ears. It soothes me and makes me feel as if I'm standing in an alternate universe.

A place where everything isn't so fucked up. Where I the girl I love isn't disgusted by me. Where I'm not considered a screw up. Where I'm not standing before my brother's grave.

Another whoosh of the wind resonates around the graveyard. Leaves of the trees I was standing underneath rustle as my eyes once again fall on the writings on the grave. It's late at night, maybe even midnight, but my eyes have adjusted themselves to the dim light that is coming from the streetlight a few feet away. So I have no trouble reading the carvings. Again.

Aaron Parker Woods.

Loving son, brother and friend.

You came into this world as a blessing, you are going as a legend and you'll be remembered as a memory.

Pain laces around my heart. Binding me in an unending torture as it grew.

I don't deserve happiness.

Since I'm the one that ended his.

My small carry-on bag is lying near my foot. I pick it up and slung it over my shoulder. I kept an emergency bag full of some clothes and money hidden in a small gym locker. Just in case, I had to run again and couldn't go to my house.

I just couldn't face my mom.

I still remember the first time I left. It was heartbreaking for her. Since every man in her life seemed to leave. Her husband, her son. Everyone. Still it amazes me how she still holds her head up high and smiles without a care. How she still remains so strong instead of succumbing to painkillers and depression pills.

Allie is not much different from her in that department I guess.

I let out a small sigh as I cast a glance towards his grave one last time and begin to walk.

The mildly wet grass crunches beneath my shoes as I cross the graveyard. Placing my hands on the cool metal of the entrance gate, I pull it close behind me.

Suddenly the loud honk of a car snaps me out of my thoughts.

I look up and witness the most weirdest scene I have ever seen in my life.

And bear in mind that I know Alison Farrow. So yeah, I have seen a quite number of weird scenes.

A Range Rover, which I immediately recognize as Andrew's, is speeding through the empty road at the speed of light.

Really, it's that fast.

But it's speed isn't what's weird. It's the sight of Sam's full upper body leaning out the window as she waves her hands like a madwoman screaming, "Fuck faster! Fuck faster!"

My jaw drops on the floor along with my bag that slips from my loose shoulders.

"What in the name of....?" I blink a few times to assure myself that I'm not dreaming.

Andrew stops the car as he passes me by and it makes a screeching sound as it turns slightly to the right.

The sudden action almost makes Sam topple out of the window but luckily a hand reaches out from inside and grabs her waist.

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