Chapter 5 (Edited) - Crazy, Stupid, Crush.

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As I skip my way towards my next class, I can't help a smile from forming on my lips.

Why? I think you guys probably know the answer to why I'm in such a good mood, don't you?

I halt to a stop as I realise who's sitting at the back of my class. At the furthest corner, reading a book, sits Ryder. He glances up for a moment and gives me a little smile. I wave a little at him and make my way towards the middle where I usually sit.

Leah looks up from her phone when I sit beside her, "Hey."

I grin at her, "Hi Leah! I didn't see you at lunch, where were you?"

Leah winks at me, "In the janitor's closet. Where do you think?"

I chuckle. Leah's someone who's classified as the school slut. She's blonde, has manicured nails and wears make up like a second skin. So she's your typical every story slut that want to steal your guy.

But as I've already mentioned, it's not your typical story and I'm not the main character. So she hasn't got any reason to hate me.

Besides, I prefer not to judge people till I know them. And after I began to know Leah, I started to realize that she wasn't really a that bad of a person.

The class passes in a blur of roots and squares and before I know, I'm slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"So you even got the ice Prince to break, huh? I saw the smile he gave you," Leah says as we walk down the hallway. Leah's followers, as she likes to call them, follow behind us.

"Ice Prince?" I ask her dumbfounded.

"Well, the new guy? Ryder Woods?" She fakes a shiver, "Geez, I only asked him out to sit with me at lunch and he glared at me like I asked for his kidney or something."

I laugh, "He might be a little...difficult to handle sometimes. But he's not a bad guy!" I defend him.

She smirks, "Well, will you look at that? Is little miss munchkin finally having a crush?"

I glare at her slightly, "Don't call me a munchkin!"

She chuckles, "Sorry but if I'm not mean to you then what'll to my reputation?"

I give her a slight smile, "I'll never understand why you always pretend to be someone you're not. Why hang out with fake friends when you can have real ones?"

She glances at me for a moment, "When everyone believes you to be someone else, it doesn't matter who you are or want to be. You automatically turn into that person."

With that she walks away, leaving a confused me.

I think over her words and suddenly realize that how true they are.


"And then I said fuck you bitch."

You could probably guess who that is.

"I mean seriously," Sam huffs leaning on her car as we wait for Chloe, "Who does she thinks she is to get all up in Mason's face? Can't see she that he's obviously fed up of her always trying to shove her boobs down his throat? Which, by the way, are obviously synthetic?!"

I hum, "Are you sure you hate her just because of her synthetic boobs and not because she's shoving it on your man's face?"

She glares at me, "Of course! And Mason's not my man! I don't care what he does, who he fucks! I hate him!"

I smirk as I watch her flustered face, "Sure you do."

She suddenly changes the subject, "Damn it! Where's Chloe? She's taking too long!"

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