Chapter 59: The past that haunts.

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It... It can't be.

My breathing accelerated as it grew louder. I didn't want to be here anymore. I didn't...

"Blayze?" Caden called as it would seem she noticed my dilemma. I took one look at her and then shifted my eyes back to the older lady. I felt suffocated, uneasy. No.... this can't be happening.

Without wasting a second more, I turned away and rushed back into the car. Thankfully, Caden came after me and got in as well.

I started the car, honked towards the gate and the moment it was opened, I drove in but couldn't help looking back once more through the centre mirror just to be sure if she was real and there she stood in silence, watching as I dove in. I couldn't understand why.

Why now? Why now after all these years?


I watched my husband behave in the strangest manner I've never seen him before. As we got into the house, he neither said a word nor made an attempt at explaining who the strange woman was. He was silent all day and I waited patiently for him to talk to me on its own but he never did.

The next day, he spoke to me, he made an attempt at a smile but he never mentioned the woman we saw at the gate. I thought it was a phase for him so I played along but when I saw the woman lurking by the gate for some days and the fact Blayze knew she was there but ignored her presence, I knew I couldn't play pretence anymore. I couldn't drive past her even though I itched to know why she was here.

I need my husband back so I have to get to the root of the problem. One thing, I just didn't know how to get Blayze to open up to me with making him feel pressured to do so. Perhaps, it would be best I have a talk with the older woman instead.

Drawing in a deep breath one early evening, I stared out through the window. Gradually, a furrow surfaced between my brows and I narrowed my eyes to have a good look.

The gate was wide open and just as Blayze was at the verge of driving in, she stood in his path, arms wide open and he was forced to draw to a halt.

I blinked several times to be sure I was seeing clearly. Strangely, I waited for a reaction from Blayze but he never stepped down from the car. Almost like he didn't want to face her. I watched her walk to the side, she knocked, said a few words but Blayze drove forward, leaving her behind.

Suddenly, she fell to the ground and I couldn't help widening my eyes in surprise. It would seem Blayze saw her as he drew to a halt right after.

Quickly, I turned away from the window, ran as fast as I could out of the room, down the stairs and out of the house to catch up to Blayze that had stepped out of the car and now by the side of the unconscious lady.

As I drew close, I saw he had knelt by her side and I couldn't help but notice his hand trembling. He couldn't seem to touch her. He was clearly shaken up.

"Blayze." I called for him to be aware of my presence and as he looked up to me, for the first time ever, I saw fear in his eyes.

First thing, I dialled up 911 and after making a report, I rushed down to Blayze and engulfed him in a warm hug. He still didn't say a word but I could somehow feel and understand what he was going through. Whoever this woman was, she clearly had a great impact on him.

* * *

Drawing in a deep breath, I watched the woman who now laid in bed, unconscious and amidst the silence of the room, only the beeping machines could be heard. I let out a sigh as I took a look at the door. Blayze had left to have a word with the doctor and I could only hope nothing serious was wrong with her.

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