Chapter 29: What happened to him?

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I squeezed the towel, watching the water drip out of it before gently laying it on his forehead. I watched over him for a while before taking another look at the IV drip, the liquid dripping bit by bit, the needle stuck into the back of his palm.

The doctor didn't have much to say except what I'd earlier presumed. He was perfectly fine yesterday. How could someone who always seem so healthy suddenly breakdown? Even down to his illness, Blayze is a mystery. I wonder if I'll ever be able to able to figure him all out.

"Isn't it time you wake up?" I queried in a low voice as my eyes never left his face. I couldn't leave his side. In all honestly, I felt really guilty. This started last night when I let him fall into the pool and turned a deaf ear when he confessed about his inability to swim. I should have taken him serious right away. I should have saved him. Instead... I laughed.

I shook my head in regret. I can't believe I did that. It has been hours since the doctor left and Blayze hasn't woken up. His face seemed a bit relaxed so I assumed he was done with his nightmare. Regardless, I decided to be patient. I'll keep at what I've been doing as I watch over him.

Feeling a little stiff, I stood to my feet to walk around within the room, just to get a little exercise.

By dawn, he was done with the IVF and his temperature came down a bit which was a good thing but he was yet to be awaken. That worried be a bit.

I crawled onto the empty side of his bed and lay by his side; my eyes never left his face. I said I was going to watch over him till he's all better and that's exactly what I'm doing. My butt just hurts a bit from sitting too long. At a point, I was hungry but I didn't want to leave his side for a strange fear of something going wrong.

Strange how I'm going to extra miles to keep a man I'd wished he'd dropped dead, safe. How did I get here?

Steadily, I stretched out a hand to him, hesitant for a few moments but eventually, lightly soothed his hair. They were soft and silky. I'd never really imagined I'll be doing this. It felt wrong and at the same time... right.

His brows furrowed a bit and the expression from earlier seemed to be returning. Is he having another nightmare?

I was quick to sit up, my hand leaving his hair as I watched him. I worried about how to ease him out of whatever pain he was going through.

My gaze fell on his hand rested on his belly. His fingers made slight movement, indicating his somewhat consciousness and at the same time, it felt like it was calling out to me so without thinking much, I found myself stretching out a hand towards his.

Gently and delicately, I slid mine beneath his, having a light hold of it. Unexpectedly, his grabbed tighter onto mine as if needing it more than life itself. Though in surprise, I looked up to his face once more and there was less expression of pain or fear. He seemed better relaxed than earlier.

Staring at his face, unknowingly, I let out a light sigh of relief. Gently, I lay beside him, my eyes never leaving his face. I knew something had changed. There was a different feeling but I couldn't quite make it out. Perhaps, I've just developed a bit more empathy towards him.

"What exactly is your story, Blayze?"

I questioned as I couldn't help pondering on it as well. For some reason, I'm starting to feel a bit more curious about my husband.


At first, all I could see was darkness until slowly and lazily, I fluttered my eyes open. The familiar sight of my ceiling and room welcomed me. Only when my eyes fell on her, laid by my side did everything freeze and in that moment, I was forced to recall all that had happened.

I'd fallen into the pool and, she saved me. I was flooded with hurtful memories so was quick to leave her side, retreating to my room. Here, in a corner, I folded my legs up so my knees could touch my chest and, in that manner, I tried so hard to shut it all off, to stop the memories from resurrecting feelings I'd worked so hard to bury. That was the only way to survive regardless of the memories.

Why is she here? What happened?

As I attempted moving my hand, it felt heavier so my eyes left her face and to my hand. Clearly, I held onto hers and due to the reason that I wasn't expecting this, I found myself staring at our hands joined together.

Rather than let go of hers, I found myself looking back up her face. She was sound asleep and had no idea about my eyes on her. For neither an unexplainable nor definite reason, I found myself staring for a while. A few strands of her hair fell on her face as she made a slight movement.

I found myself stretching out my other hand to her and gently tucked the loose strands behind her ear so her entire face was clearly visible once more.

What am I doing?

Immediately, I looked away from her and gradually sat up. I didn't want to wake her so carefully, I let go of her hand, keeping it back to her side. Gently and almost silently, I stood up from the bed. For a few seconds, I felt light headed and had to wait for it to pass before moving in unsteady steps towards the bathroom.


I turned, making myself comfortable in the position I was. It didn't take long and my eyes fluttered open. First, I looked to my side and Blayze was gone. Instantaneously, I sat up.

"Blayze." I called out as I rubbed my eyes and face, getting rid of any sleep that might still linger. I got down, on my feet.

"Blayze, are you in there?" I called as I knocked on the door into the bathroom, no response came through before I hesitantly opened it, pipping my head in first. There was no sign of him. I made my way into the walk-in closet and still no sign of him.

I stood in the center of the room for a while. Is it possible he left while I was asleep?

A scoff left my lips. I doubt he's fully himself yet. Scratch what I'd started to believe. He's truly a workaholic.

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