Chapter 52: Love alert!

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I felt a bit embarrassed and uncomfortable. I noticed his eyes never left me as I returned everything I'd packed back into its usual place. He hadn't said a word and it made me worry as to what was going on in his mind. I could ask but I was scared on what reply I could get. I didn't want to be rejected before I even made a real attempt.

Well, I got myself into this situation. I confessed my feelings like it was no big deal and now, I have to act like I was okay with everything but truthfully, it was becoming really hard to pretend like his gaze wasn't affecting me.

"What?" finally, I queried as I turned to him.

"Do you have something to say to me?" I confronted boldly even though my insides were shaky.

His face barely held an expression. I watched as he lowered his eyes.

"Are you sure you won't regret your decision? This might be your one chance to be free."

I couldn't help the light crease that formed between my brows. He sounded like he wanted me to leave but at the same time, it felt like the opposite.

"Well, I believe I won't."

He raised his eyes and this time, they didn't seem so hard to read. They entailed empathy and less of the iciness it usually brewed. He had neither rejected my feelings nor has he accepted them. In all honesty, I wished I could get a clear reply from him but at the same time, I feared getting a reply that might break my heart.

As I watched him look away, I felt a bit uneasy. In as much as a desired his reciprocity, I didn't want him feeling pressured to do so.

Did... do you care about me, even a little?


Our earlier scene replayed in my head and bit by bit, I sank into a pit of confusion. Does that mean he likes me?

Unable to get a reply, all I could do was sigh.

* * *

Barely aware of the fact I was waking up, I turned on the bed and then another. Gradually, my eyes fluttered open. One look at the surrounding and the bright sunlight peeking into the room, I realized it was morning. Looking to my side, he was gone.

Where could he be?

I wondered as I lazily sat up. He walked out of the closet and I slumped right back down on the bed, eyes shut.

Wait... why am I pretending to be asleep? What's wrong with me?

Slowly, I peeked through an eye, barely opened to have a look at him. What I saw forced both eyes to open wide and my mouth a bit agape.

For the first time, I was seeing him shirtless and even though he wasn't quite muscled up like gym instructors or fit the description of a Greek god, he had a good body to stare at.

Wow, it was beautiful.

I couldn't look away. Gradually, I sat up. Strangely, the wind became a little stronger, blowing the curtains up and letting in enough sunshine which flashed on his body. His body glimmered in a sexy and beautiful way. The wind blew his hair. Like the slow motions done in movies, my lashes fluttered, my heart raced and as he made a turn to me. He flashed a smile that only made my heart race even faster. I watched as he began his steps, one after the other towards me. He bent his back so our eyes levels were the same. I stared into his beautiful orbs and went crazy for his brighter smile.

Suddenly, his smile varnished.

"What are you doing?" His tone and question were different from what I'd expected.

"Huh?" I couldn't find the words as I fluttered my eyes a little faster.

As if awoken, I looked a little left and right but the strange wind, bright sunlight and romantic atmosphere were gone. My gaze fell back onto him and he was once more the Blayze I knew then realization set in... have I been daydreaming?

I watched as he stood straight once more.

"You... you have a little something at corner of your lips." He added, barely steading his eyes on me.

I reached to it and felt something slimy, a little rolled down. Wait... is this saliva?

Immediately, I covered my mouth as I turned my face away from him.

Gosh, this is so embarrassing. It wasn't enough I daydreamed but was it really necessary for me to drool.

Bathed in embarrassment, I wished nothing more but for the ground to open up and swallow me whole. I really have to be crazy. Crazy. Lately, I've been doing all sorts. First, I confessed my feelings and now this. I wonder what's going through his head. What are his new thoughts on me?

I'd promised myself my dignity would be kept intact regardless of my feelings but now, I must seem desperately into him.

I started but after a moment, I realized I just confessed. What the hell!?


I bit my lower lip in regrets as I turned my face a little more further away from him. It's official, my pride has been shattered forever. It would be best to pretend like this scene never took place.

I let my hand fall to my side and turned back to him. I kept my gaze subtle and glanced up to him at intervals. I noticed he had put on his shirt. Obviously, I missed that amidst my daydream.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked, seeming uninterested.

"Yes. I'm going back to work."

"What?" I looked up to him.

"And your ankle? Are you all healed?"

"I believe so seeing as I can walk properly." He defended as he walked back into the closet. I couldn't quite settle with the idea of him returning to work. In a hurry, I got down from the bed and met him just as he walked back out holding a tie in his hands.

"Are you sure? You might make it worse." I argued as I stood in front of him.

'Maybe or maybe not but I have to go. My schedules have been pushed back enough." He replied as he wore the tie around the collar of his shirt and began his attempt at knotting it. For a moment, I stared at him and then the tie. Something on his wrist caught my attention.

It was the bracelet I got for him. He was wearing it and I couldn't help the smile that drew on my face. I didn't know exactly what that meant but I was happy to see it on him. Without putting much thought into consideration, I took hold of his tie, pushing his hands away.

"Let me do it. I used to help my dad with his a few times." I started.

"You want to return to work so let me knot it and you can think of my gesture as your good luck charm." I added without looking up to meet his eyes. Gratefully, he was quiet. He didn't fight back and just let me do my thing.

It was probably a minute or two but it felt longer than that as silence engulfed the room while I helped him with his tie. I did my best to focus all my concentration on the tie and not what might be going through his mind or the fact that we were at the moment in a close range. I didn't want my heart drumming at the very thought of him. If I was to make him comfortable around me, I'd have to avoid setting out awkward situations or putting him in a tight spot.

"Done." I stated as I let go and looked up to him. I noticed he looked away almost immediately.

His action seemed strange and I couldn't help the light crease that surfaced between my brows.

A thought crossed my mind. Has he... was he staring at him all this while?

In as much I know I shouldn't entertain the thought of curbing certain situations to my satisfaction, this particularly couldn't be helped.

Unable to hold back, a shy and yet simple smile played on my face.

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