Chapter 46: Protocol Mr. Sunshine.

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The car drew to a halt, the sound of unbuckled belt, door opening and then being slammed shut. Regrettably, I looked up and watched as Caden hurried to my side, the passenger's seat. She opened the door and stretched out a hand.

"Let me help you."

I stared at it for a while before pushing it away.

"I can help myself." I chanted what would be my favourite anthem since we left the hospital. I set out a crutch first before making an attempt to step down on my own which I succeeded doing after much pain.

Thankfully, the incident wasn't as bad as we might have expected, just a light sprain. I wouldn't be able to move freely for the next few days but I'll be better soon.

I got out of the way and slammed the door shut behind me before lunching forward, careful not to set my hurt ankle down. Half of my weight leaned on the crutch I had under my arm.

I felt a pull on my hand, forceful movement and the moment I glanced in its direction, I met her eyes, bright and bold staring back into mine. My arm rested around her neck and she was closer than ever before. For a second, I froze, including my thoughts, too baffled to speak at that moment, I just stared.

"What... what do you think you're doing?" Having gulped down strangely, I spoke up.

"I told you, helping." She replied without remorse for a present action.

"Sadly, I caused this so it's only right I take care of you till you're better."

"I don't need your help." I added almost right away as I made an attempt at withdrawing my arm away from her but she wouldn't budge.

"Fine, fine, you don't need my help. I'm just doing this for my sake, my peace of mind. Okay?" Her stare was unshaken and her determination stronger than I'd presumed.

I looked away from them. The pain in my ankle felt stronger and all I wanted to do was rest it. It would seem that she read my mind as she initiated the movement forward after her arm went around my back. I made no reaction to her notice and like that, we made our way into the house and up to the room.

Once I sat on the bed, I watched in surprise as she fluffed the pillow behind me and endeavored I lean on them. She took hold of a few more pillows, fluffed them properly and without my permission, took hold of my leg and lifted it up to rest on the pillows so they were elevated a bit.

I couldn't utter a word. I simply watched in surprise.

"All better?" She questioned as she looked up to me with a warm smile.

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't tell her that she had been very helpful and I indeed felt better. I didn't want her lurking around and trying to help but also, I didn't want her leaving. My own state of dilemma baffled me.

"You don't need to say anything. I know you do feel better and are too shy to admit the truth." She added still wearing her smile. Yet, I only stared back without a word.

She looked away, staring at my ankle, she made a light touch.

"It's quite swollen. We need it subsided." Having said that, she stood to her feet. "I'll be back in a minute." She hurried her way out of the room and only then did I look away, heaving a strange sigh as I did.

Did I feel sad to see her leave?

I shook my head at that thought. Why would I be sad to see she was gone? That's what I've always wanted.

I recalled how much she had sobbed at the hospital while I was being looked after. At first, it left me puzzled and worried as to why she cared so much. As far as my understanding went, I was her enemy. Under horrible threats, I forced an alliance with her. Any normal woman would've wished for my death, not the other way around.

She ran back into the room holding an ice pack in hand, only then did I take notice of the fact she still had her dress on. Kneeling close to the bed, she laid the pack on my ankle. The cold shudder from it raced through my leg but also felt soothing in a way.

My gaze resided on her, watching her every caring move. It seemed too real to be a fake but at the same time, I wanted to believe it was fake, her care.

"I'm sorry this happened to you." She suddenly apologised with meeting my eyes.

"You shouldn't have risked your life for me. After all, I mean nothing special to you." She added, now looking up to me.

Nothing special to me.

I repeated her words. Is that true? Does she really mean nothing to me? Why did I put myself in danger for her?

"Don't worry, once you're all better. I'm going to keep a good distance from you. You wouldn't need to go through tonight ever again."

Her words felt sad and even sadder after she looked away from me, back to my ankle she was treating.

Later that night, when everyone had gone to sleep and the moon laid clear in the sky, a sigh left my lips as I stared at the dimly lit ceiling.

Don't worry, once you're all better. I'm going to keep a good distance from you. You wouldn't need to go through tonight ever again.

Her words came back to my mind and it only left me restless. Deep down, I knew I somehow didn't want that. Why?

I looked my side. Her eyes were shut and she was sound asleep. Her snoring came out quite lightly. I didn't want to look away, taking note of every inch of her face. Slowly, I felt it, my growing heartbeat. My heart raced just by staring at her. I placed a hand on the right side of my chest and felt it thumping louder and faster by the second.

Gradually, I let out a sigh.

What does this mean? Do I have feelings for Caden? Have I fallen for her? How is that possible?

She made a slight move and a few strands of her hair fell over her face. Calmly, I reached out to it and gently tucked them away behind her ear. Barely leaning to my side due to my hurt ankle, my gaze never left her face.

It would seem I've fallen for her. 

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