Chapter 51: If only we could read minds.

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For what would seem like the longest while, I simply stared at her, a bit dumbfounded.


My voice sounded low and somewhat shaky in my own ears.

I watched as she let out another sigh.

"Staying married to you is hurting my pride. I... I don't want to live this way for the rest of my life. I don't want to bicker with you unnecessarily and pretend in front of the world that we're a real couple when... "

She lowered her eyes.

"... you've made it clear that we can never be a real couple."

Silence followed suite. Suddenly, her eyes were back up, anywhere else but on me.

"Don't get me wrong. I haven't forgotten about the reason for our marriage in the first place. I'll definitely pay back every dime my father owes you even if I have to work for the rest of my life but... I simply can't stay married to you anymore."

I watched as she stood to her feet.

"I'll leave the day you can walk properly once more." Having said that, she turned away to leave. I was quick to grab unto her hand as I stood to my feet.

My heart raced. Inexplicable worry filled me. I was nervous. Truthfully, I didn't want her to leave but I also couldn't seem to bring myself to say something, anything that could change her mind.

Perhaps, it's better she leaves. She was miserable here and lingering longer would only make the situation harder. I'll never be able to give her a normal life. My insecurities will always get in the way.

"No." I started once I lowered my eyes after letting go of her hand.

"You don't have to wait that long. I can take care of myself." I added with a heavy heart. Her momentary silence kept me on edge.

"Are you... are you saying you're okay with me leaving?"

"Yes." I replied and although reluctant, I looked up to meet her eyes. They were teary. W-why?

"I know you've always been a selfish jerk but today crowns it all."

She turned and stormed away without looking back even once.

Drawing in a deep breath, I let out a likewise sigh as I sat down.

Am I being stupid? Probably... I'm sorry Caden.

* * *

Peeping through the curtains, I watched as she slammed the door to passenger's seat after leaving a small luggage within and stood for a second. Suddenly, she made a turn and our eyes met. I was caught. She glared hard at me.

Clearly, she was upset and I couldn't quite place why. I was giving her back the freedom I took forcefully regardless of how wretched up my heart felt at the thought of losing her. My only comfort was the thought that better now than later. It would only hurt more to let her go someday later and I didn't ever want to feel the way I did in the past.

She turned away and made her way to the driver's seat. I watched as she got in and began her drive towards the gate. I lowered my eyes, I didn't want to watch anymore so I made a few steps away from the curtain. She was gone.

For a while, I stood in silence and tried to calm my nerves. My insides felt pricked by a thousand pins. The familiar thoughts and feelings that I'd tried so hard to bury for years were starting to surface. Slowly, panic began crawling its way back into me. Breathing became a bit excessive for me. My fear of abandonment was indeed greater than I'd expected.

The door stormed open and my gaze instantly redirected to it. Second by second, my eyes widened at the unexpected. There she stood, panting like someone who just ran a mile. I watched as she took several steps towards me.

"I... I have one thing to ask you," she started. Her breathing was a bit rough and unstable. I couldn't help but notice the little sweat that trickled down her forehead. Did she run?

"Did... do you care about me, even a little?" She gulped down as her eyes never left mine.

Intensely, my eyes felt glued to hers. I was thrown in a state of shock. She is here. She never left. She... she's different.

"Yes." The word came out a bit low but I couldn't stop myself anymore. Stably enough, her eyes grew softer and I watched as she steadily relieved a strange sigh of relief, looking away for a second.

"Then... then why did you ask me to leave?" She queried, her voice seemingly a bit shaky.

"Because you wanted to leave."

Strangely, she let out a scoff before running a hand through her hair.

"Do you really know nothing about a woman? We don't mean about sixty percent of what we say." She added once both hands were down by her side once more. She hurried towards the bed and slumped to seat, trying to catch her breath.

I couldn't stop staring at her. This is a dream. It has to be. She was meant to leave.

"Why are you back?" I found myself letting out the most haunted question of the moment.

Her eyes were back on me, something within them gave up the information of a reluctance to share her reason. I shouldn't push things, right? But... I couldn't help it. She was going to leave and I was going to force myself to make peace with that decision but now, it's different. I had to know why.

She lowered her eyes as she began. "I was really upset with you and I never stopped to think for a moment as I packed up a few of my stuff then I saw you peeking through the windows, I felt even more upset that you weren't stopping me. I made up my mind to leave you behind but... I got to the gate and I couldn't do it."

She rose her eyes to me. "I couldn't leave you behind, at least not without finding out the truth."

"What... truth?"

I watched as she let out a sigh just as she stood to her feet and made her way up to me.

"You're like a child, aren't you? I really have to spell out everything to you." My gaze never left her even as she held a moment of silence.

"You... you're someone special to me." She stated but not on purpose, my face held no different expression. I couldn't quite understand...

"I have feelings for you." She blurted out as if reading my mind and was quick to avoid my eyes. On my part, surprise laid on my face.


Barely looking up to me, she added. "You don't have to read much meaning into what I said. It's my feelings so I'll deal with it. I just... I'm bad at hiding my emotions so I said it."

I felt a bit dumbfounded. Her confession took me by surprise and I couldn't quite react.

"I'm hungry. I haven't eaten all morning so I'm going to get myself something to eat." Having said that, she was quick to turn away and as if frozen, I remained stagnant till she eventually left the room.

She likes me. She... she likes... me?


I threw my back against the wall once outside the room and placed a hand on my chest, my heart raced incredibly. The nerves I'd tried so hard to keep in check in front of him all crumbled down. My legs felt a bit wobbly. I'm really losing it. I can't believe I confessed like it was nothing serious. I can't believe I did that.

Did... do you care about me, even a little?


A scene flashed across my mind and for some reason as a steady smile formed on my face, my nerves seemed to calm as well.

He cares about me.

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