Chapter 27: A swim within memories.

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That evening, I watched the CCTV footage carefully to find out just exactly how she left the house. Watching her jump over the fence without thinking twice or caring about her body, it made me realize just how far she was willing to go in other to disobey me.

In the end, I looked away and walked out of the security room without saying a word. I'd done a fair share of scolding the men I'd left her to. They were all useless. I found it hard to believe that she left the house and no one saw her jumping over the fence.

For a reason, I worried about what she must have been up to all day. I'd expected her at some point to show up at the office but she never did and I was a fool to believe I'd somehow managed to tame her.

Perhaps, I need to do a better job at that.


I threw my handbag over and with all my strength, I climbed over the fence once more and finally jumped down on my feet. Happy to be in one piece, I smiled as I picked up my handbag and wore it over my shoulder as always.

I took a look around and yet, no sign of anyone. I bet Blayze isn't back yet and even better if the jokers he left at the entrance never noticed I was gone. I just need to sneakily get to my room without having anyone see me.

I made my way out of the garden, towards the swimming pool and only when I saw the back door into the house did a smile play on my face.


Immediately, I drew to a halt. That voice... I knew it all too well. Dear lord, please, I do hope I've not been caught by him.

Drawing in a deep breath, I turned to my side, the direction from which the voice came through and then I saw him. Everything about him, same as always and the look in his eyes... well, I had no words for that.

"Did you really have to go as far as jumping over the fence?" His question came out emotionless and for a second, I wondered why he was asking if he really didn't care.

"Maybe not but I couldn't stay locked up in here. Blayze, you might not have noticed but, I'm not the obedient type. I tend to do the exact opposite of what I'm told to do." I watched him momentarily look away in irritation.

"What? I'm exhausting to handle, right? That's exactly why you shouldn't have married me without knowing anything about me..."

"Let's talk inside." He ordered as he launched forward in speed to grab my arm but I was quick to step out of his way refusing to let that happen.

Almost right away, I felt a pull and realized he had grasped onto my handbag while slightly leaning into the pool, his balance had been thrown off guard and he was trying to much not to fall into the water.

The expression I saw on his face was a first for me. I could read surprise, fear and desperation. A man with emotions but... I really couldn't care. Perhaps, a little swim will cool him down and he'll be able to realize that I'm not like other women.

With a smirk on my face, I tried my best to unfold his grip from my handbag.

"C-Caden no. Stop..." The rest of his words trailed away as he finally fell into the pool.

I couldn't stop laughing as I watched him try his best to swim, to have his head on the surface.

"I... I..." He struggled with words as he struggled to swim.

"You what? Let it be noted that I won this round." I stated in excitement.

"I... I can't swim." His statement finally came through and it would seem he gave up in struggling to swim.

"Do I look like a fool to you? How is possible that you can't swim? You have a swimming pool in your back yard." I refused to believe his lie and watched as he slowly sank towards the bottom, his eyes shut.

"Blayze." I called out as I leaned towards the water.

"Blayze stop. I know this is another strategy of yours." I warned as well but no response came through.

For a moment of watching as he made no movement, it dawned on me that he could have perhaps told the truth.

"Blayze!" I exclaimed on realization and quickly took off my handbag and shoes before diving into the water.

Down there, I shook him for any response but got nothing so using all my might, I pulled him to the surface and towards the stairs out of the pool. I got out first, panting and a bit worn out, I managed to pull him out of the water.

"Blayze wake up." I called as I shook him but he laid there without any reaction.

Placing my ear up his chest, I listened for a heartbeat but it would seem... he has got none.

"Blayze." I called as I began attempting CPR.

"Blayze wake up please." I pleaded as I tried and tried.

"Don't you dare die on me." I continued, blowing air into his mouth but it would seem my effort were futile. Slowly, fear began creeping in and more than anything, I regretted the last few minutes.

"Blayze wake up!" I exclaimed as I hit his chest and suddenly, just like a miracle, he coughed, drawing in as much oxygen as he needed.

In that moment, I just watched as he came back to life. Unknowingly, tears had gathered my eyes, ready to roll down and so they did.

"Blayze..." I stretched a hand in order to comfort him but once he took notice of my presence, he pulled away really quick, visibly shivering and wearing fear as a cloak.

He seemed nothing like the Blayze I knew. He was like a wet puppy, shivering in cold.


"Stay away." He ordered as he pulled away once more without meeting my eyes. His breathing was haggard and it would seem his state of mind was in disarray. I understand he can't swim but this reaction right now seems a little too much.

Suddenly, he managed to get up to his feet, turned away and began making his way back into the house though his legs seemed wobbly as he missed a few steps. I watched silently, a bit baffled as he walked away till he was out of sight.

In a loud sigh, I sat down, exhausted about everything. Blayze couldn't even thank me but I'll overlook that knowing well it was my fault he fell into the pool in the first place.

Stay away.

I recalled his words. I understand I upset him but to flee away from me like I was some infection, that's a little odd.

Regardless, I better check on him and so quickly, I got on my feet. I picked up my handbag and shoes then made my way into the house.

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