Amazon prime video / PANIC × Wattpad / Bonus Chapter

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In celebration of Amazon Prime Video's newest series Panic, I am thrilled to be teaming up with Amazon Prime Video and Wattpad to write this exclusive chapter that puts my characters from this story into the world of Panic!

I hope this chapter intrigues and inspires you to learn more about Panic. Visit the #PanicWritingContest on Wattpad for the chance to put your creative writing chops to the test and learn more about the show!

To find out more about the contest, prizes, and how to enter, check out the #PanicWritingContest here:

Don't forget to watch the series premiere on May 28th, only on Amazon Prime Video, here:


Joanna Carter

Softly and lazily, I fluttered my eyes open before sitting up, leaning away from the table I'd been resting on. My eyes lurked left and right to remind myself of where I was but nothing rang a bell. Next, I looked back and around once more. Yet nothing seemed familiar.

A light crease gradually formed between my brows as I watched a man stand up from the stool in front of the counter, put on a hat, and turned away towards the door. Once he left the premises, I shifted my eyes back to the counter and watched as the lady behind it picked up the plate used by the man and cleaned that spot afterwards. I watched her walk back and through a door that apparently leads to the kitchen. I took one more look around. There were approximately only about five souls here, including me. I stared down at the empty table in front of me.

This isn't right. Why... why am I in a diner? How did I get here?

I searched my memory for anything but got nothing. The last thing I do recall was putting on this new series on my laptop to watch and next... I bet I must have fallen asleep. Maybe this is a dream. I'm dreaming. That's the only reasonable explanation for my presence here. Next, I pinched myself as hard as I could and it hurt very much. Okay, not what I was expecting. That means I might not be dreaming.

Once more, I looked around. If this is a dream, it sure doesn't seem or feel like a nightmare. Sitting in a diner? Is something supposed to happen soon?

There was a loud sound. Immediately, I stared out to the sky through the glass that also barricaded as a wall. There were fireworks going off in the dark sky. Without thinking, quickly, I got up to my feet and made my way out of the diner and onto the pavement. I stared at the sky in a bit of awe, followed by surprise and confusion. There were fireworks going off from different angles of unknown places. It all seemed familiar... like... like I've seen this before.

The police siren rang loud as the first car sped past me and then another. It would seem they were in a hurry to catch up with something or someone. I looked around. One thing is for sure. I'm definitely no longer in the city. Quick, I caught sight of a young girl, blonde hair and about my age which is seventeen. I ran across the street to the other side to catch up with her.

"Excuse me." I called, and she turned. Her face felt oddly familiar. I could swear I've seen her somewhere but I'm oddly having a hard time pinpointing where all this has occurred before. Maybe I need more information.

"Please, could you tell me where I am? I mean... what town am I in?"

I noticed a light and yet brief furrow between her brows.

"Um... Carp, Texas." She said and gently, I nodded in understanding. She turned away and continued on her path.

Carp, Texas. That name sounds really familiar. Funny, it's just like the series I recently started watching... wait.

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