Chapter 56: I love you 2

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I watched as the plane finally took off into the sky till it was no longer seen. A tiresome left my lips as I turned away from the view through the transparent glass.

I can't believe I missed him. Mia got all rallied up and pumped into me the idea of rushing up to him at the airport but when I ended up doing that, too late. He had gotten on the plane and it was well on its way out of the tracks.

As I got into my car I felt upset and frustrated. He really left. He's really gone and I let him leave even though we just had a strange misunderstanding.

"It's going to be fine. It's just a week after all." I encouraged myself and strangely, it had a strong effect on me so I started the car and drove away.


The door into the hotel room opened and I walked in after the porter who left my luggage right in the middle of the room. I thanked him and he was on his way out, shutting the door after him. I took my seat on the bed and it only took a second for me to look around. The room was spacious and quiet. I was alone and an image of Caden painted across my thoughts.

I remembered having an argument with her, going off to the airport and strangely stalling for a while. My anger had managed to subside and I was clear headed. My sense of reasoning was back but I couldn't turn back the hands of time so, like a fool, I debated on whether to go ahead with this trip. Also, I wished she would show up. At least to say a proper goodbye but even though I stalled till the last minute, she never came.

A sigh left my lips. I shouldn't regret my decision of leaving. I shouldn't miss her even though it was barely thirty minutes and all I desired was to see her face.


I stared out through the window, watching over the few stars I could see. It was beautiful and yet, there was sadness in my heart. Lowering my eyes, I stared at my phone in my hand.

Do I call him? I never imagined I'd miss him this early. The room felt too spacious and empty without him even though he was barely home when he was around. The fact I know he's not coming home tonight just made me sadder.

I should call him.

Wait... I took a look at the time. It was a little past ten. He wasn't an early sleeper but I also don't know if he was given an earlier time to retire at where he was. I didn't even know exactly what his trip was about. If only Blayze shared a little bit more with me.

I let out a sigh. Maybe I shouldn't call him. Maybe he was still upset about today. I'll give him some space.


Seconds turned to minutes, minutes to hours and then days. Time felt unbearable and my thoughts felt all over the place. I missed her so much that I began seeing her everywhere. On the bed, walking out of the bathroom, by the window and even during meetings. I knew it was my imagination but at times, it felt too real and I end up in the moment of watching her smile or chatting away.

I felt the need to give her a call but... I felt embarrassed. What would I say? What would be my excuse? At first, I believed my feelings for her were growing but now, I realise they were stronger than I presumed.

The land phone rang and I reached out to it.

"Mr Norman, this is the reception."

"Yes." I gave the receptionist a go-ahead.

"You have a guest waiting in the lobby, someone from the company."

A light crease formed between my brows.

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