Extra #1- Rylan's Dream

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A/N: Like this said, this is an extra. If you want me to do extra's of something then message me in the comments below or just pm me. Anyways, please, please, please read my other works. You have no idea if you like my other works if you don't try it.

Don't forget, 'The Red Warrior' is now posted and has three chapters. Don't forget to comment/vote.

Warning: Not all of the extras will be as long as this one.


Red blood spilt onto the ground, and Liam fell at my feet. Shock and hurt was frozen on his face while his eyes stared blankly ahead.

A small sneer appeared on my face when I heard the startled and pain filled gasp of Becca when she saw me kill the Innocent Liam.

"Too weak," I spat, smirking at the dead body. "Poor, poor, guard." I shook my head and tsked. "Should've killed me when you had the chance."

"Rylan, why did you kill him?" Giselle asked, shocked to see me like this. "We are trying to rescue you."

"But, I do not need to be rescued," I replied with a mock pout. "I am happy."

"So, you don't mind being an evil bitch spawn?" Rhett spat, glaring at me. "I find that hard to believe."

"Oh, believe it," Elder Andrew said, causing a grin of happiness appear on my face while he brought me into his arms. He stood by my side, keeping me close.

I cuddled next to him and kissed his cheek. I ignored Cooper's growl of jealousy, knowing that he didn't even want me to begin with.

"You are too late, anyways," Elder Andrew added with a sneer. "Once the Red Wolf drinks the blood of an Uninnocent, she is evil and listens to the darkness that was hidden in her blood."

"You are wrong," Rhett snarled, glaring at the arm that is wrapped around my side. "Love always wins."

Elder Andrew laughed, causing me to laugh along with him. "Not all the time," he sneered. He moved a strand of hair behind my ear, causing me to shudder at his touch. "Such a beautiful person, you know? It is a shame that the goodness in the heart is replaced with the darkness that has always been in there." He licked me behind the ear, which would've caused me to shudder in disgust beforehand but caused me to shiver in anticipation of being able to please my Master.

Cooper snarled and tried to get to him, causing the guards that had them, hold him back more.

I stood in front of Elder Andrew and snarled, my eyes shifting to the red color of my Wolf.

"Easy, Rylan," he all but cooed, causing me to relax, slightly. "You will get your chance to kill them."

"I can't wait," I said, smiling evilly, my teeth sharp and pointed. "I could use some more blood."

"See? You have lost, join us, and we can rule the world," Elder Andrew said, looking at the eight other members of what used to be my group as well as the rest of my guards except for Vulcan.

"Never," Rhett spat. "I will not rest until I am able to free her from your control."

"Then, you have another thing coming," Elder Andrew replied with a smirk. He let go of me and gestured towards the people that I had known and used to love. "Kill them. I don't have any use for them," he said.

I sneered and pulled out the two swords that I had had on my body. "With pleasure," I sneered before killing the people that I had known and loved. I enjoyed the startled screams and the cries of pleas that came from the groups' lips as if I would be able to control the urge of killing them.

"Very good," Elder Andrew said, kicking the head of Rhett out of his way. He studied the field with a smirk. "Very, very good. All we need now is-" His eyes widened when shouts were heard and grinned. "-your Vampire friend," he sneered. "How do you feel about finishing what Aedant had started?"

"Very good," I replied, smirking. "She was weak. Not as strong as I."

Elder Andrew chuckled and patted my head. "That is true," he replied just as the guards and Vulcan came into view. "Just cut off his head, we don't need any pleasantries."

"Yes, Master," I replied, bobbing my head in a nod. I strolled over to where Vulcan was looking at me, his mask off of his face.

His gray blue eyes were filled sadness and grief, but the rest of his face was guarded as if he didn't want me to see what all he was feeling. The grief and sadness disappeared from his eyes and became guarded as well. He stared into my gray eyes before looking down at the ground.

"Coward," I spat. I placed the edge of the sword at his neck and moved it down to where his chin was. I smirked when I saw that there was blood from the cut and lifted his head back up. "Look at me when I cut off your head," I snarled. "And remember how you had failed to protect me."

With that I brought my sword back and-


I woke up with a startled scream, finally able to get out of the holds of my nightmare. I sat up and looked around, my whole body glistened with sweat and tears.

"Rylan," a voice called, causing me to screech and tumble out of bed. Light filled the room, and I saw Vulcan staring at me in concern. "Are you alright? You were screaming in your sleep."

I laid my head down, gasping for breath. "Uh ya," I said, pushing the dream away for a moment. "I-I just wanting to see if you would wake up." I winced at my lame excuse. "Can you get me some water please?" I asked, not wanting to meet Vulcan's skeptical gaze. "I am fine, just thirsty."

Vulcan huffed but nodded, knowing that I didn't like to drink water from the tap but from water bottles in the fridge. "Stay here," he said, gesturing to the room. "I'll be back."

I nodded my head, all ready having a plan to leave. "Sure, sure," I replied.

Vulcan disappeared and closed the door behind him.

I waited for a few minutes before going over to the window. I was grateful that we were on the second floor, facing away from kitchen, because I knew that I would have time to escape and hopefully get captured on my own.

I did not want them to face the death that I knew would be inevitable.

I climbed onto the roof and closed the window before jumping from the roof onto the ground. I started to run as fast as I could, leaving my broken heart and broken dreams on the floor of that bedroom that had been broken because of my nightmare.

I was supposed to be alone, and I couldn't do this with anyone else. If I did, then they would get hurt. I could not let that happen as long as I was alive and Innocent.  

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