Chapter 26 (Edited)

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Next morning came quickly, and we were all piled into a couple of vans, going to GreenRock Pack. A couple of the members of the pack had cars as well, so we could go somewhere. I had brought my bike, but Uncle Carter didn't want me to drive it there, which sucked.

We had made a couple of stops to get food and stuff, but we were about 30 minutes away from the pack when I started to feel antsy and queasy. The whole atmosphere was tense, and I knew that it was because of us going to somewhere that had taken my childhood innocence.

I drummed my hands on armrests and took a deep breath, trying to control my frayed nerves. I knew that I was not the same girl that I was a month ago, but all my fears and nerves were catching up on me the closer we got to my hell. "Stop the car!" I said, finally when my stomach did a flip.

Vulcan slammed on the brakes and pulled over to the side. He turned to look at me, wondering what was wrong, but I was all ready out of the car and in the grass.

I threw up what little I had in my stomach and started to shake. I could feel myself start to have a Panic Attack, and that scared me. My hands were shaking while my breath turned ragged. My heart rate picked up while something wet started to leak out of my eyes.

"Ry?" a male voice asked in concern. A warm arm wrapped around me and pulled me into a hug. "Shhh, breathe. It's going to be all right." The voice was soothing as well as the arm that rubbed up and down my back. "You are not going to be alone. You have a family now."

I hugged whomever the person was and closed my eyes, crying. "I'm scared," I whispered. "W-what i-i-if-f..."

The person squeezed me, reassuringly. "Shhhh," he said. "We'll get to the 'what ifs' when we get there. You aren't in this alone. I promise."

I whimpered and nodded my head. I took deep breaths and started to calm down. "I got your shirt wet," I muttered, looking up. I blinked to see that it was Liam who was staring at me. I could sense a lot of emotion coming from him, and the deepest one was anger.

Liam smiled, but it was forced. "It's fine," he said. "I needed a shower anyways." He smirked when I wrinkled my nose and shoved him away. "But are you all right? We can turn this party around."

I shook my head no. "We're thirty minutes away, and they are expecting us." I shrugged my shoulder. "Skylar is probably going to be staying around there, and I don't want anyone to get hurt because of him."

Liam sighed and nodded his head. "Fine." He stood and then held out his hand. "However, if anything bad happens, then we are leaving. We can just stake out in human territory and watch the pack."

I nodded my head and took his hand, hoisting myself up. "Deal," I replied. I shifted on my feet. "Can I ride my bike the rest of the way? Uncle C will be pissed with me, but I could really care less."

Liam smirked. "We're way ahead of you," he said. "Come on, we have thirty minutes before we reach the pack. You'll be behind the van with us. All right?"

I nodded my head and started to go that way. I glanced to see that almost half of the people that came with us were out of the vans, watching me. I glanced down, hating the pity that came from them. I didn't need it, so I didn't know why they would.

"Please get back to the vans," Liam said, spying that I was a bit nervous. "Rylan is fine, and we will be continuing on our journey there." There was a small growl in his voice, and I couldn't help but look at him shocked. I knew that he hated Cooper, but I didn't know that he had hated him that much.

I shook my head and went over to one of the Warriors who had my bike out. I smiled at him, even though it was kind of forced and placed on my helmet. So much for arriving there in style, I thought, bitterly while I started my bike. If they think I'm weak 'cause of the tears, then they are going to have another thing coming.

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