Chapter 37 (Edited)

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A/N: So, this chapter is dedicated to a friend of mine. Her name is Midnight (Well now Dallas and he). Sadly, he doesn't have an account anymore. But, this is dedicated to him.

Thank ya'll for reading and don't forget to vote/comment.


I could feel Vulcan and Cooper tense behind me, which made my Wolf slightly wary and cautious. I looked up to see an older male standing in front of us, looking at us amused. I growled, softly, and moved a little in front of Amelia Grace. "Who are you?" I asked, my teeth sharpening a little, while my claws sharpened slightly.

The male, chuckled. His blue eyes showed a bit of amusement, but I could tell that his Wolf was a little displeased with the little respect I was giving him. He stood about 6'7 and was slender built. His hair was a grayish white color, but he was slightly balding in the front. His whole posture was relaxed, but I was still on edge.

"Well?" I asked, when he didn't answer right off the bat but just grinned. I glanced down when Amelia Grace placed her hand on my shoulder, and I couldn't believe that I was about five inches taller than her.

"It's all right, Dear," she said, soothingly, calming my Wolf down, but she still on edge. "That's Elder Jeff."

I glanced back at the male, raising an eyebrow. I knew I met him before, but well... he looks a lot older than he did when I had met him.

"You met me when you were nine," Elder Jeff said. He bowed his head in respect, showing his neck slightly. This caused my Wolf to relax. "It's good to meet you in person, Red Wolf." He lifted his head and smirked. "Are you still getting into places that you are not supposed to?"

I nodded my head in greeting, my Wolf feeling proud that he had shown her, well us, respect. "I remember," I replied. "And I have been staying out of trouble so far."

"Wait, when did you meet him?" Cooper asked, confused. He glanced at me and then Elder Jeff, confusion written on his face. "You were somewhere when he had came to the pack."

Vulcan hissed, because he knew the reason why I had been away. His whole body was tense, and he started to shake slightly.

I glanced at Vulcan, giving him a look that meant not to say a word before turning to look at Cooper. "I met him before that, Alpha," I replied, causing Amelia Grace to snort. "I was nine, and I had happened to accidentally hack into somewhere that I wasn't supposed to." I rubbed the back of my neck, still feeling slightly sheepish.

Cooper frowned, confused. "When did you learn how to hack into something?"

"Seven or eight," I replied, not looking up at him. I clenched my fist, feeling slightly mad, because it was during that time that I had been cutting. "When I was with my grandmother." I kept my face blank of any emotion, but my Wolf growled out, showing her rage.

"Why don't we just go into the living room. You all need to get going soon," Amelia Grace said, moving away from me and going closer to Elder Jeff before passing him. She paused and looked back at me. "You have a lot of planning to do."

I glanced at Elder Jeff. "What is she talking about?" I asked, cocking my head.

Elder Jeff shrugged his shoulder and walked in, causing the rest of us to follow him in.


"Well, I guess you two know that you both have to be together," Amelia Grace started when we sat down. "If not, then the whole world would be destroyed."

"Do what?" Cooper asked, looking at me. He saw my blank face and set jaw. "Do you know what she is talking about?"

"Yes," I replied, curtly. "There is this prophecy that states we have to be together. It's something about to do with the fact that both of us are powerful and rare Wolves." I sighed and moved a hand through my hair. "I need to do some research. Becca did some, but I'm certain that there are more parts to it."

Amelia Grace nodded her head. "You have to bring all the Supernatural Creatures together. There is a big force that could destroy us all."

"And Skylar is just a puppet to him," Elder Jeff said. "I think that there are some others, some that are in the high rankings of the clans."

I nodded my head. "Including in the Council?"

Cooper growled and glared at me. "You shouldn't think like that, Rylan."

I growled, narrowing my eyes at him. I clenched my fists together, trying to make sure that I wouldn't punch him. He had no right to treat me less like a Superior. I knew what I was talking about and knew that there would be high ranking officials there.

"Rylan," Elder Jeff warned, probably knowing where I was going with. He looked at Cooper, giving him a look that said not to push me. He looked at me, his eyes filled with slight regret. "You are right," he said. "There are people that are in the Council that have turned. However, I do not know their names. It could be one or all of them."

I stiffened at that. "And, how would I know that you are not one of them?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. My Wolf stood at attention, prepared if she needed to take control.

Elder Jeff looked at me, his eyes softening. "Do you remember the first time that I met you, after you had hacked into our facility?" he asked, softly. "You had this big bruise on your eye and a couple of bruises on your face. I remember the busted lip as well as getting this feeling of lost from you."

I nodded my head and touched the eye he was talking about. It had been a gift from Cooper, and I could tell that he remembered it too by the way he had stiffened. "I remember," I said. "What about it?"

"I was surprised that this young of a girl had been able to hack into our system." He shook his head and chuckled, darkly. "Somehow, I knew that you would be this powerful female, and I swore that I would try to protect you."

"Why? You didn't even know me," I replied.

Elder Jeff smiled, slightly. There was this deep sadness and pain about him while he cleared his throat. "I had a daughter that was your age," he said, softly. He sighed and rubbed a hand through his hair. "Two weeks before I met you, my mate and daughter had been killed. I had been placing myself into my work and was contemplating if I should kill myself when I had gotten a message that someone had hacked in."

He shook his head and chuckled, darkly. "I was suspecting some older male, who was trying to rob the Council. What I wasn't expecting was this young girl who looked to be like the pack runt. My Wolf seemed to pull himself out of his stupor and figured out that he had something to protect."

"But you didn't know," I said, softly. I felt that sense of guilt, because I was certain that his daughter and mate had died because of me. I wasn't there to stop it from happening, not doing my job. I glanced down and clenched my hands together.

"Don't feel guilty, Child," Elder Jeff said, causing me to look up. There was a small smile on his face. "I do not blame you. You were only a child, and I do not think that there was anything that you could've done."  


Well, I think that I like Elder Jeff. Do you all like him?

Thanks ya'll


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