Chapter 7 (Edited)

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The next morning, I had woken up earlier than I would've when I was at home. I didn't feel that good, but that was probably because I had cried myself to sleep last night. I ran a hand through my brown hair before I got undressed and hopped into the shower. Today was the day that I was going to be going to school without my brother, and my stomach was clenching in that nervous formation.

"You can do this, Ry," I muttered under my breath while I placed shampoo on my head and scrubbed it in. "This is the start of something better than you had been through." I sighed and shook my head, not believing the pep talk that I was trying to give myself.

After my shower, I dried myself off and groaned when I saw that I had forgotten my clothes. "I knew that I was forgetting something," I muttered, tightening the towel around me. I took a deep breath through my nose and grinned a little when I didn't smell anyone in my room.

"Good, no one can see me naked," I muttered while I opened the door of the bathroom to my bedroom. I yelped in surprise when I saw that there was actually someone there and that person was Vulcan. "What the hell are you doing in my room!" I screeched, making sure that the towel was tight around me.

Vulcan looked up startled, and I could've sworn that I had seen his eyes darken, when he looked me up and down. It was probably because there was water pooling underneath my feet.

I glared at him, reaching for something that I could throw at him. "Cover your eyes," I warned, holding a book threatening. "It's too late for you to get out because I'm all ready out of the bathroom."

Vulcan glanced at the book in my hand and then at me. He flinched when I threw the book close to him, hitting the wall with a loud thunk. After that, he had turned towards the wall and covered his eyes, probably knowing that I wasn't kidding.

"Ya, and stay like that until I'm done," I retorted at his back, causing him to shake his head. I huffed and grabbed some delicates before I went into the closet, where I had hung my nice shirts and pants. I quickly changed just as there was a knock on my door. "Coming," I called out, pulling on a sweatshirt. With that, I walked out of the closet and went to the door. I shot a glare at Vulcan's back before opening the door to see Liam holding a baseball bat.

"I heard a thunk," Liam explained, seeing my raised eyebrow. "I thought someone snuck in."

"Vulcan did," I replied, moving out of the way. "He came in at the wrong time." I glared at the older male, causing him to shrug.

"What happened?" Liam asked, chuckling.

"Nothing that you need to know," I replied, my face turning beet red. "But, I did throw a book at the wall. And, the next one will be at his head, if he does whatever he did today again."

Liam busted out laughing. His head was rolled back, and he was clutching his stomach. "So are you telling me that he had seen you naked?"

I groaned and covered my face, trying to hide my blush. "Whatever you call it," I muttered. "Now, both of you out of my room. I'll be down shortly." I moved out of Vulcan's way before I shut the door in both of their faces. I shook my head and fanned my face, trying to calm my racing heart. "Oh, that was embarrassing," I muttered before I started to finish getting ready.


I walked down the stairs after I had finished drying my hair and brushing my teeth. I had my bag on my back, and I knew that I might not be able to eat anything. My stomach was in knots, because I was actually very nervous about meeting this pack. I was sure that they had heard the rumors.

"So, why do we have to be nice to the new girl?" a male voice asked. "I mean, isn't this the same girl that had killed her parents."

"If she was five, then how is it possible that she could have kill her parents?" a female questioned. "I mean, people did say that there were claw marks."

I clenched the railing, because I knew that they were talking about me.

"Vulcan wouldn't choose a killer to protect. It's against Vampires law," Liam said.

"Well, maybe the law was changed," the first male replied, sarcastically. "I mean, she is a Werewolf, even though she is a Dud."

I took a deep breath out and let go of the railing. "If I did want to kill my parents, then why would I have stayed with the pack?" I asked, walking into the area that there had been talking. I raised an eyebrow when they all jumped up startled and turned to look at me. "If I did kill my parents, then I would've probably ran away. Why didn't I?" My gaze was trained on the male that had spoken first.

The first male set his jaw. He radiated power, and I knew that he was the Beta. He had dark brown hair, that I was sure girls loved to mess with. He had dark brown eyes that seemed to look into the soul of a person. A small smirk appeared on his full lips while he eyed me up and down. "If I'd known that you were a beauty, then I guess I could've let the killing slide," he said. Hunger filled his voice, and I knew that he was a man-whore.

I shook my head and tsked. "Funny, I wasn't about to say the same thing about you," I replied, causing the others in the room to snicker. "I mean, you did call me a person killer."

"Then why was there blood around your mouth, and why were you standing over your parents bodies?" the female, that had spoken in my defense, asked. "I'm Addy by the way." She waved her hand hello.

"Rylan, but I'm sure you all ready knew that." I sighed, remembering the first time the mark had appeared on my back. I was probably around three years old when I had cried out in pain, because it felt like someone was carving something on my back with fire. My parents had went to check up on me, and they saw that I had two triangles on my back, making a star. It turned out that they had a dream where someone explained that I was an important part to the Werewolf society and that I must never tell anyone.

The only thing that they told me was I was very important and that I should keep it hidden. I had quickly obliged, making sure that I had always worn something that covered my shoulders and mark.

After the day of my parents death, I had looked at my back and saw that two of the six smaller triangles were red. I couldn't ask anyone, because no one knew about the mark. I haven't even told my brother about it, not knowing how he would react.

"Rylan," Liam's voice broke through my thoughts, making me open my eyes.

I blinked, kind of seeing everything fuzzy before blinking again. This made everything clearer, and I saw that the whole group was standing around me. I was in a chair, and I didn't even know how I ended there.

"Rylan, are you alright?" Liam asked, making me glance at him again.

I nodded my head. "Ya, I kind of zoned out," I replied. I forced a smile on my face. "I'm fine though."

"Have you eaten anything?"

I shook my head no. "I only had some of the fries from the plate you had given me. The last time I had a full meal was probably two days ago." I shrugged my shoulder.

"Well, you need to eat something."

I shook my head. "I can't. I'm too... nervous to."

"Relax," another of male's said, slinging his arm across my shoulder. "We'll help you." He glanced at the Beta. "I'm sure that Luke will be kinder to you, also."

Luke smirked. "Oh I will be." He glanced me up and down. "For a price."

A smirk appeared on my face. "You know, I was about to just say the same thing."

His eyes lit up with pride as if he was actually going to get some. "Really when?"

"This afternoon," I replied. I looked him up and down, my smirk growing. "Because, I challenge you for the Beta position."


A/N: Didn't see that coming did ya?

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