Chapter 35 (Edited)

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After discussing some other information, like how we tell the packs, we left and started to do our own things. Me, well... I went straight to the training room and started to use the equipment in there.

"I should've known that you would be in here," a male voice said, startling me from a where I was doing a flying back kick.

I yelped in surprised and landed on my back, having the air knocked out of me. I groaned and opened my eyes, not knowing that I had closed them, to see the worried face of Nathan, peering at me. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath of air, filling my lungs with it.

"Shit, Ry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's ok, Nathan," I said, opening my eye to look at him. I cocked a small smile as I grabbed hold of his hand and pulled myself up. "I should've been paying attention. I didn't know if someone was going to look for me after..." I paused and rubbed the back of my neck, sheepishly.

Nathan nodded his head and sighed. He had soft brown eyes that seemed to have gold in them. He had bushy brown hair that was shorter in the front and longer in the back and sides. He stood at 5'9, which was a foot taller than me. "It doesn't change that you are still part of our group, Rylan. We all knew that you were a little different." He scrunched up his face. "Liam more than the rest of us."

I looked down and rubbed the back of my neck, which was a nervous habit of mine. "Ya..." I said. "About that. I'm sorry for keeping me being a, no the, Red Wolf a secret. I didn't know who to trust, even though you all have proven yourself to earn my trust and respect." I grimaced. "I just didn't know..."

Nathan grimaced and nodded his head. "How we would react. I understand." He ran a hand through his hair and sighed before looking at me, with a somewhat of an intimidating gaze. "Are you going to go back?"

I instantly looked down and chewed on my bottom lip. I knew what he was asking, and I wasn't really sure. Cooper seemed to have changed, but looks could be deceiving. I mean, he had hurt me so bad. But then again, there was the prophecy that stated us to be together. "I don't know," I said, honestly. "I have to..." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, "...but I don't want to."

Nathan nodded his head. "It'll be different if there weren't ten people in the group," he said. He grinned. "You've grown on us."

I snorted and grinned. "Ya, I am sure it will be." My stomach growled, causing Nathan to smirk. "Come on, I need food. I didn't eat since yesterday..." I shook my head and sighed, knowing that I was going to have to tell Wafilia's mother that she was killed.

Nathan nudged my shoulder while he walked beside me. "Hey, it's not your fault," he said.

I shrugged my shoulder. "Feels like it," I replied with a sigh. "And I know that her mother will think that it is my fault, also." I shook my head. "You know what, let's not talk about this. I am hungry and need something to eat."

Nathan frowned and nodded his head. He stayed silent while we walked into the kitchen to see other members of the pack there. He moved closer to me when some of my pack mates looked at me with a glare.

"Rylan!" two children exclaimed as they came towards me. Both had big grins on their faces, with chocolate cake covering them. They were brother and sister, and I was fond of them dearly. "You are back." They tackled my legs, causing me to smile.

"Rylee and Caden, come back here," their mother said, sternly. She glared at me, disgust written all over her face. "Don't go near her again. She is a bad woman," she said when they came back towards her.

My heart broke, and I could feel tears wanting to leak out. "You know what," I said to Nathan, my voice cracking. "I'm not hungry anymore." With that, I fled the kitchen, trying to hold back a sob.

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