Chapter 39- Cooper (Edited)

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Shocked, that was all that I could feel, while I was being held back by Brick. My Wolf growled out, trying to take control and to get to our mate. Our mate, whom was being trucked to some place because of a certain stupid Vampire.

Elder Jeff turned in our direct and shot us an apology look before sending what looked like a venomous glare to Vulcan. He got into a van, his body stiff, and I knew that he was holding back his Wolf from attacking Elder Andrew and Vulcan.

"You," Rhett hissed out, causing the world to come crashing towards me. He went to punch Vulcan, but he was being held back by Liam and Alpha Carter, whom made sure that Rhett couldn't get to him. "YOU DID THIS!" he yelled, pulling with all his might, trying to get at Vulcan but being held back. "You are cause of this! I thought you cared about her!"

Vulcan moved forward and picked up the red stone, seeming unaware of all the anger and hatred around him. "I did what she told me to do," he said, his accent thick. "Do you think I would let her get harmed?"

"It seems like that," I growled out, struggling to get out of Brick's grip. "She has been taken."

"She ordered me," Vulcan replied. He turned to look at me. "She told me to tell you to go to her old room and in the center, top drawer, there was something there for you. She said it was something that you had torn up but didn't see."

"Why are you telling me this?" I growled, barely able to control myself from shifting. "Figure," I muttered under my breath when he didn't answer me. "Guards, grab him and take him to the dungeon! I want to know what he has been hiding from us. Torture him if you must."

"Cooper! That'll hurt Rylan!" Gigi said. "Sure, I'm pissed at him, but we can't torture him>"

"She's right," Vulcan said. He looked me in the eye, and I could see that he was feeling torn and upset. "She told me to tell you to give her two weeks. She'll contact you." With that, he disappeared, leaving the Guards stunned.

I snarled and wrenched myself from Brick's grasp. "Find him!" I snapped at the pack. "I want this whole place searched. Your Luna and Alpha has been taken and is probably getting hurt because of him."

"What?" a female said. I couldn't help but groan when I saw that it was Mitchie. "She is going to be our Alpha? That girl killed our-"

I snarled and glared at Mitchie, feeling my Wolf almost at the surface. "Do not say those words," I got out before I turned around and ran away from them, shifting into Wolf form midair.

While I ran, I sensed both Rhett and Liam at my sides. I didn't know what they thought I was going to do, but I wasn't stupid enough to attack The Council head on. All I knew that I had to do was wait.

But boy, two weeks was going to be a very long time without seeing my mate.


"Anything?" I asked, walking into the room where I had set up Rylan's laptop. It has been eight days, seven hours, ten minutes, and fourteen seconds since I had last seen her. And, it was killing me not to know if she was alive or not.

"For the millionth time today, no," Giselle snapped, glaring up at me. She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Sorry, it's been hard on all of us," she muttered.

I sighed and ran a towel through my hair. I had taken a shower beforehand, and that was probably the only time that I had left this room, except for taking care of some Alpha business, that I couldn't do at a table. "I know," I said. "Go get some rest, you need it."

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