Chapter 19 (Edited)

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"Alright, class, put your coloring utensils down," Mr. Jones said. "We will start checking out the drawings starting with the back. Miss Reece, please come forward with your... drawing, and we can discuss it."

I took a deep breath and took the drawing off of the easel before going to the front. I hadn't gotten as much as I wanted to get done, but I had drawn the background and my face. I was basically coloring everything in, trying to make it look life like.

"Well, what do you have?" Mr. Jones asked.

I took another deep breath and placed the drawing on the stand up front. I could hear a couple of gasps, which basically sent me chewing at my bottom lip. "I know it's not as complete as I would like to have it, but it's a basic outline."

"Explain it to us," Mr. Jones said. His voice was kind of soft as if he was thinking of something.

"I was treated like a princess five months before my... ummm... parents death." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I was loved by my whole family because I could make people laugh with my silly antics and because I cared to remember every person I meet names or what they liked." A small smile appeared on my face because I remembered when people sought me out when they were sad or happy. However, it turned into a frown, and I couldn't help but look down. "Five months later, everything changed. I got blamed for something that I didn't do, and my life turned to the worst." I glanced at Mr. Jones, and I sensed that his link was open. 'I got blamed for killing my parents, even after it showed that I loved them with all my heart and mind. I don't know what happened to make you this way, but I know that it had affected you as well as your son.'

Mr. Jones tensed, however he did not say a word about it. "How did it get worse, Miss Reece?" he asked.

I shrugged. "The people that I cared about didn't care about me anymore. I was pushed aside like dirt." 'Unlike your son, I didn't find someone to "love" me for the night.' I hid an eye roll when he growled. 'I think he started his playing ways because you did, causing him to reject his mate. Know this, you can save your relationship with him if you want. If not, then stay out of his way. If you don't then I'll make sure that you do.'

Mr. Jones snorted and looked at the class, who were probably waiting for instructions. "What do you like about, Miss Reece's drawing?" he asked, looking at the class.

One of the students raised their hand. "I like how it looks life like," the student said, looking at me. "Where did you learn how to draw like that?"

I shrugged. "Self taught," I said. "I've always had a knack for drawing, and as the years gone by, my drawings started to get better. I've drawn a lot in my 18 years of being alive. Some of it helped keep me alive."

"Anything else?" Mr. Jones asked. There was silence. "Good, go to your seat, Miss Reece." He didn't look at me, but I could sense that there was something on his brain.

I nodded my head and took my drawing back to my seat. I listened to the others talk about their drawings, but I couldn't help but think as to how I could help him out. I knew that he was missing his mate, and the only reason why he was acting like this was because he wanted to blame someone for her death as well as pushing others away.

The bell rang, causing me to break out of my thoughts. I packed up my bag before going over to where Mr. Jones was sitting down, thinking. I cleared, causing him to look up startled. "I was going to say if you do need someone to talk to or lean on, then I am here. I know you have been pushing people away, but you need to talk to someone. It'll help you get over what had happened." I sighed. "I have to go and see who is going to take me to my next class."

Mr. Jones just nodded his head, not saying a word. He turned around, not even giving me a second glance.

I shook my head before going out of the room. I knew that he could change, but I didn't know if he would. I just hoped that he would take my offer, because it might help us both out.

The Red Wolf (1st book Red Series) (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant