Chapter 5

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I sat in the front seat on the way to the packhouse,  and Vulcan stared at me in shock while Alpha Carter laughed. 

It turned out that he and my mother were second cousins once removed. I had no idea what that made me and Alpha Carter or me and Liam, but I didn't really care to figure it out.

I hadn't heard from my brother or best friend, but I was sure that the reason was that my phone had died. I knew that I was going to get an earful from Gigi because I had left the day before her eighteenth birthday. A small frown appeared on my lips because I hadn't missed a single of her birthdays, but I was going to miss her and my brother finding out that they were mates.

A touch on my arm brought me out of my thoughts, and I couldn't help but jump back and away from the person that had touched me. When I looked, I saw that it was Vulcan, who had his hand closer to his body.

A small blush appeared on my face, and I couldn't help but look down. "I'm sorry," I muttered. "I-I was lost in my thoughts and didn't know that we had stopped." I didn't look at him while I felt for the door handle and got out.

Liam snickered from behind me, and I just glared at him. 

It wasn't my fault for jumping back. When my pa- old pack saw that I would zone out, they would slap me until I came back. Most of the time it led to a bruise or a busted up area.

I shook my head and walked to the back of the truck to see that Alpha Carter was getting my bags out of the back. "Uh, I got them," I said, panicking slightly over the fact that someone was touching my bags.

"But, you are a guest," Alpha Carter said when I reached him. "I would like to take up your stuff."

I shook my head, no. "That won't be necessary," I replied, holding my hands out to take them. "Please, let me take them."

"Why are you overprotective of your bags?" Liam asked, snorting. "That is basically the stupidest thing to get a panic attack over."

"Not when the last time someone else took your bags and threw them into a creek," I shot back, putting on the bags. "It destroyed everything that I had owned. My laptop, that I was proud of, was destroyed along with the data from it. My books were, also, destroyed. Oh, and when I punched the person in the face, she and five other people ganged up on me and sent me to a hospital in the city because I wasn't allowed to get checked out at the pack hospital." With that, I grabbed my suitcase and started to roll it to the house, feeling annoyed.

"Vulcan will show you to your room, and if you want to meet people, there will be people in the living," Alpha Carter said. There was a glare in his voice, and I knew that he was glaring at his son.

"Vulcan needs to hurry up and show me, and I would not like to meet others just yet." I glanced at Liam from the corner of my shoulder while Vulcan moved up front. "I don't want to be known as the parent killer to them." With that, I turned my head away from him and followed Vulcan up the steps.


I ignored the curious glances that came from the living room while I walked into the pack house. My hand clutched my bag strap, indicating that I was nervous but that was the only indication. I kept looking straight ahead while Vulcan led me to a room that was on the fifth floor, which probably had the high ranking officials as well as the guests.

He opened the room and gestured to it, indicating that the room was mine. After that, he pointed to the end of the hall and onto the right, indicating where his room was.

I nodded my head. "Thank you," I said, and he nodded his head in welcome. I took a deep breath and was about to step into the room when Vulcan placed his hand on my shoulder. I turned around and raised an eyebrow when I saw that he had a necklace with what looked like a red diamond hanging from it. However, I knew better.

Vampires, from what I had read and heard, would give a person of their choice a diamond made from their blood. It basically meant that the Vampire would protect the person for the rest of their life as well as make it so that they would know if their protectee was being hurt or in danger.

It was rare for a Werewolf to have a Vampire bodyguard because Vampires and Werewolves did not get along well with each other. Then again, Vulcan was not an ordinary Vampire, and I was sure that he wasn't going to settle with a no.

I glanced at the diamond before looking at Vulcan. A frown was on my face, and it was because I wasn't usually the first choice for anything. "Are you sure?" I asked, and he nodded. I sighed and took the necklace. "All right. Thanks."

Vulcan nodded his head before moving off towards his room, and I shook my head while I entered my room. He was really strange indeed.


After a long shower and a look around the big room, I sat on the bed and opened my laptop. I knew that there would be a password on the Wifi, but because I was a hacker, it wouldn't trouble me that much.

"Come in," I called, hearing a knock on the door. I glanced up and saw that Liam was at the door, holding a plate of food. I frowned and raised an eyebrow, not really knowing what he was up to. "Yes? May I help you?"

Liam sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I wanted to say that I was sorry," he replied, coming into the room. "What you said about me and not wanting to kill my parents hit home. It doesn't explain why there was blood over your mouth, but I know it wasn't you who killed them."

"Gee, finally after thirteen long years, someone believes me," I said, sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "That doesn't include my old Alpha, Luna, brother, and best friend."

"My dad believes me, if that counts," Liam replied. He sighed and held the plate. "Look, this and giving you the password to the WiFi are peace offerings and asking for your forgiveness."

I glanced at the computer to see that the password was 'Lovegood.' "Well, you only need to give me the food because I all ready have the password." I glanced up at him and raised an eyebrow in question. "Lovegood, really?"

Liam's eyes were wide open, and he had a look of shock when I had said the password. "Ho-?" he asked, barely able to get the word out.

I glanced at the computer before looking up at him. "I'm a certified hacker and can find any password, even if I don't have that much data with them," I replied. "I, also, am a certified genius, and the only reason that I'm still in high school is that my brother didn't want me to graduate before him."

"That explains a lot," Liam muttered. He moved over to me and handed me the plate. "Nice PJs, by the way." There was a smirk on his face, and I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you, they warm and fluffy and look good on me," I replied, patting the bed.

"So does that mean you forgive me?" Liam asked.

"I'm offering you a place on the bed that I am on. I would've pointed at the door if I didn't," I replied. "Yes, that does mean you are forgiven."

Liam grinned and sat on my bed, stealing a fry. "So, have you heard from your brother yet?" He munched on another fry.

I took my plate and moved it away from him, and I couldn't help but lick my lips when I saw that there was a barbeque sandwich with fries. "Not yet," I replied, going onto Skype. "And speaking of the devil," I pointed to the screen where it says Rhett Reece, "there he is now." And with that, I pressed the video button.


A/N: xD

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