Chapter 36 (Edited)

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A/N: Now, don't go throwing your spoons at me. O.O I was going to try and get my new books written and posted onto Watt before I posed. However, today is someone's bday, and I wanted to give her a birthday present. So, this is dedicated to one of my good friends on watt named Ashley.

Happy birthday Ashley, and I hope that you will get to read my story. :P


Two a.m. came quickly, and I was not ready to wake up. Who knew that shifting into a Wolf was real tiring and energy consuming.

I grumbled when someone poked my cheek and swatted at the person, hoping that I could get them to stop. I was so warm and comfortable that I didn't want to wake up or move.

"Come on, Love," a male's voice said, breaking through my thoughts on trying to stay asleep. "Wake up. We have to get going."

I grumbled again and curled up into a smaller ball, cuddling more into the warmth.

The figure chuckled, and I could feel it through where my face was tucked on it's stomach. "How do I wake her up?" the person asked, amused.

"Her feet are ticklish," someone else pointed out. "Would you like me to tickle them?"

"Touch my feet, you die," I grumbled and opened my eyes, deciding that it was best to wake up and get up otherwise have my feet tickled. I looked up to see that it was Cooper who I had been laying on.

There was a smirk on his face, and I could feel the love coming off of him. This feeling was new because I had been used to the anger and the hatred. "I thought that would wake you up," he teased, pressing his lips to my forehead. "We need to get going."

I grumbled something unintelligent underneath my breath before getting out of his hold. I looked at the foot of the bed to see that Vulcan was watching us, amusement in his eyes. "I see that you read the note?" I asked, the usually silent male.

Vulcan nodded his head and gestured for me to get out of bed. He still had his mask on, but it looked like that it had to be renewed because some of it looked uneven and stitched up.

I huffed and got out of bed, not caring that I was still in the clothes that I had on, minus the pants. I folded my arms around my chest and glared at Cooper, who looked away sheepishly. "Be glad that we are on a deadline," I said. "But the next time, this happens, I will do something about it."

"I thought you would be uncomfortable," Cooper said, still looking down.

"I've been in worse situations," I replied, going to the closet. I pulled out a pair of jeans and placed them on before putting on my boos. "All right, let's go." I grabbed a light sweater and placed it on before exiting the closet it.

Cooper nodded his head before all of us left the house. We stayed silent, because there were no need for words, and it'd just be a waste of air.


"There are more people out tonight than last time," I muttered underneath my breath when we passed the third person going towards Prophet Amelia's house.

Vulcan grunted but didn't say a word. He had his hand on mine and Cooper's shoulder, and he was behind both of us. His whole body was tense, and I could tell that he was aching to just take his hand off my shoulder and do something about the men.

Cooper let out a small growl before pulling me closer to him when one of them crossed our path too close to comfort.

The male, probably around the age of twenty, stopped what he was doing and looked around. Confusion filled his face, because he didn't see where the noise was coming from. He shrugged before continuing in the way that we had to go. He whistled a happy tune, causing me to roll my eyes and smirk.

Vulcan squeezed my shoulder and shot me a warning look, because he knew that I was going to have some "fun" with the unsuspecting male.

I smiled innocently at him before looking forward to see that we were at the edge of the trees. The small cabin sat in front of us, but there was no way we could just sneak in undetected.

The door opened, causing the male to look towards it. He tensed, on guard, but he relaxed when he saw the white haired, spritely female. "Prophet Amelia," he said, bowing his head in respect. "Why are you out? You're supposed to be inside the house."

"I'm sorry, Randolf," she said. "I just got a little stuffy inside and was just letting a breeze in. Elder Jeff understood and encouraged me to do so."

I tugged on both Vulcan and Cooper before starting to lead them towards the house. I stayed silent, keeping my footfalls as soft as possible. My breathing was at a minimum, because of Werewolves' sensitive hearing, and I knew that he would probably hear it.

The male, Randolf, frowned. "You can't be out here," he said. "If the Red Wolf finds out where you are, then it could lead south." There was a growl of dislike in his voice, which almost caused my Wolf to growl out.

Prophet Amelia frowned, probably not liking the fact that I was being disrespected. "The Red Wolf is still a child and has learned to hold in her tongue. You should do that as well. She deserves respect, because you don't know what she had to go through."

"And you do?" Randolf retorted, causing both Amelia and I to growl. He looked down, quickly feeling the power coming off of both of us. "Sorry," he muttered, not sorry at all.

"Children these days do not have any respect," she tsked. "But, I do know what she has been through. Did you know that she had to watch her parents' death and got blamed for it at the age of five? Did you know that she had gotten beaten by the pack that was supposed to her family? And what about moving across the country to a new pack, to find out that she is more than she ever thought about? No. So, I suggest you get to know Miss Rylan Reece before you make any assumptions, because she will suprise you. She surprises me every day."

We had gotten to the porch during her speech, and I touched her arm, causing her to jump slightly. Silent tears streamed down my face, because I could hear the proudness in her voice, and I could hear the anger in it as well because he was making me feel like shit.

"Now, think about what I had said. Rylan is a strong female, and if I had been through half the stuff that she had been through, then I'd be the one that would be dead or turned to the "Dark Side". However, she is not because she places those that don't deserve saving before herself. So, before you make any rude comments about her, then see the whole picture and not what has been told to you by others." Amelia closed the door behind us. She gasped slightly when I pulled her into an unexpected hug, but she hugged me back nevertheless.

"Thank you," I whispered, my voice quivering slightly. "Thank you for standing up for me."

Amelia Grace smiled and squeezed me, reassuringly. "Always, my dear," she said, softly. "Always."

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