Chapter 16

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The next day at dinner girls in their fanciest attires nervously tapped their hair and the accessories lined up on it. They ranged from all colors, and Tristesse stood out as the only one wearing black.

I gestured for Aideen to go ahead and soon she did, breaking through the sea of girls. She was meeting up with Oda today. Last time Oda told her about the Queen helping someone behind the scenes and she was just as disappointed.

I set about trailing behind Tristesse and noticed her hair is in a tight bun, which sat concealed beneath a dark veil. Even for a day like this.

She stopped, and turned to me. I froze.

"Good evening," I say, smiling a little.

"Good evening," she replied. It's the first time I'd heard her voice, and I realize how soft, how gentle it is.

"My name is Karina Dearcage."

"I'm Tristesse Roncevalles. Is something the matter?"

"I saw you crying at the forest a few days ago." My face flamed. "I'm not prying into it or anything, but if you ever feel lonely, please join me and my friends. Annabelle is from Berennis too so maybe you'll get along, and I'm sure my other friend, Oriana, would like to meet you too."

I look up at her expression, hoping she wasn't upset at my nosiness, but she smiled. It was a small, amused smile.

"You're very kind, Lady Karina. I'll be sure to join you and your friends someday." I nod.

"I'll be looking towards it."

"Good evening, Lady Karina." A voice interrupted our conversation, and I turned to see a vaguely familiar face. A tall nose and watchful eyes. Blithe. I wondered for a moment why she was speaking to me, and then if she was going to ask me something about Aideen.

"Have you forgotten me? I'm Blithe Curtus, Lady Annabelle's lady in waiting," she broke the silence. I didn't realize I had been staring for so long.

"I remember." Especially her strange reaction when she heard Aideen's name.

"I'm meeting with friends of mine and wanted to ask if you might know where your lady in waiting is?" I hastily looked away.

"I apologize, but I do not know."

"I see. Thank you, regardless, and have a good day."

"You're welcome, and you too." She smiled and then walked away.

When I turned back Tristesse was no longer around. Girls had filed into the dining room. With a sigh, I entered too.

There a magnificent number of people gathered around the table and through glimpses, an albino prince could be seen, huddling by Queen Sonota with scared eyes. Trying to not catch attention, I sat at the further end of the long table again.

I strained my neck to search for Tristesse, Oriana, or Annabelle, but couldn't find any of them. Instead, I meet the Queen's eyes by accident. I didn't know if it was by chance or not, but I looked away quickly and focused on staring at my lap.

It felt like an eternity before everyone settled down and food was brought out. Like before, only two bites were eaten and the rest of the time was spent praising the Queen. Today though, it was the Prince.

"Your white hair and pale complexion is entrancing!"

"Your face is so feminine—you're prettier than me!"

"You look different from Princess Oda, but both you and your sister are beautiful!"

Otto's lips were pressed together and he hadn't spoken at all. The crowd must've frightened him, especially after being locked up and not socializing with people his age. He didn't even know one of us will be wed to him.

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