Chapter 2

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Once we entered a spacious and dark room, I remembered that good things always come with a catch.

The room was significantly colder than the ballroom and hallway, and it was dark. She continued walking in the dark and then she lit a lantern up. She placed it on an empty table and turned to me.

"This was my room when I was young," she said simply. It was a wide room, but it felt lonely, too. Apart from the carpeted floor and big bed as well as table, there was almost nothing else. The window was wide, but heavy curtains covered it now, and even with the lantern, I could barely see anything besides the Princess's face.

She walked over to what I could tell was a wardrobe with golden knobs. It could've fit at least four people inside. She opened it to reveal dresses inside.

"These are my old dresses. My other dresses are kept in a different storage by the Royal Staff. They might be ugly, but they'll suit you fine." She didn't even wait for my reply as she walked away and sat down on a chair next to the table, tucking her skirts behind her.

I took a few steps before I decided it must be fine if she said so, and brought my shaking hands to each dress. Despite being old, each dress was still in good condition and high-quality: if not silk, they were velvet, or some other equally soft fabric. I drew back my hand, fearing I would taint them. Was there any pudding on my hands? I hoped not.

"What is your name?" Her voice startled me and I turned to her immediately, almost guiltily.

"Karlina," I whispered. "Karlina Dearcage."

The lantern casted a strange orange light over her face as her face changed. Her lips parted before she closed it again.

"What an ugly name," she finally said with a frown. In surprise I almost said something unpleasant, but I quickly remembered that she was a princess. She could break my neck if I say anything to displease her.

"I suppose it's not the prettiest name around," I replied calmly, despite being less than calm.

"From now on you will be called Karina."

It was my turn to frown. I understood she was a princess, but changing someone's name because you don't like it? It was simply tyrannical.

"I have a request for you, Karina," she said, and I forgot about arguing. A request from the royal family will always be followed, even if it was changing my name.

"What is it, Your Highness?"

"If I get you into the first round of The Dandelion System, as one of the twenty contestants, could you win The Dandelion System?"

What? I opened my mouth to ask her what she meant, but she raised a finger to stop me.

"Could you win, and then leave Taraxac?"

I was too astonished to speak. The princess had just asked me to win The Dandelion System—then leave the kingdom? That was clearly against the rules.

The room was silent. The flame in the lantern continued to dance, but the princess didn't even blink.  She was serious, although I couldn't possibly imagine why.

"But why?" I finally dared to ask.

"I wish to keep this matter private, but before you fret, let me tell you more. I will give you and your family riches of all kinds, and I'll safely transport your family to a wonderful kingdom not too far. I'll make sure you don't get caught, and even if you do, as the prince's fiancée, no harm will come to you. I will provide for you and your family through all of this. Collecting the dandelion seeds will not easily be done, but with my henchmen—"

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