Chapter 13

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As I walked to my town, the neighboring houses coming into view, I wondered what people in our village would say, seeing me dressed in such a way, worse than I was when leaving to the castle. Suddenly full of shame, I hurried down the row of houses, making sure no one sees me until I reached my house. And how would Catalina feel, to see me again? Happy? Scared? Worried?

I was hesitant, but I opened the door.

My house didn't change at all. I walked past the parlor room and the dining room to Catalina's room. She was sitting in front of the mirror, despite not being able to see, braiding her black hair.

I thought of the deal. If I successfully win The Dandelion System, there's a chance her eyes could be healed. It's the only thing I could do for her, and my heart ached at the thought of it not happening.

I took another step, and then the floor creaked.

"Who's there?" Catalina suddenly screamed, standing up. I had forgetten about how easily she was startled, and laughed.

"Karlina!" She opened her arms and I run to embrace her.

"Yes, it's me, Catalina! How have you been?"

"Oh Karlina, I'm the same as always. Tell me about your time in the castle!" she insisted, slowly guiding me to her chair, sitting on the bed herself. She couldn't see, but memorized her furniture well.

"It's been enjoyable. I have many new friends." I answer, thinking of Oriana and Annabelle.

"Have you been getting used to life there?"

"Yes, the food is fancy, too fancy for me, even, and my room is as big as the parlor room!"

"It sounds wonderful," Catalina whispered, stroking my hand.

"It is, don't worry about me. How has father and mother been? Are they out today?"

"Oh, yes. Mother went to the market and father is traveling again." Our father was a merchant so he travels to foreign lands. Sometimes he didn't return for weeks, so we grew accustomed to being without him.

I heard footsteps in the house and stood up in a hurry. Catalina held onto my arm. She could sense something was wrong.

"Did you brought a visitor?" she asked in a whisper. "Mother said she would be late."

"I—" My words were caught in my throat the moment I see Oda enter the room, narrowing her eyes at me. I couldn't believe what I saw—she was wearing Aideen's dress! What a sight it was, the prideful princess scowling in rags.

"Oda—I mean, Aideen." I wondered if Catalina knows the public name of the princess. "What brings you here?"

"Is that your sister?" Oda asked, ignoring my question.

"Yes. Catalina, that's my lady in waiting, Aideen. All contestants of The Dandelion System has one." Oda raised her eyebrows, but thankfully doesn't object.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Catalina. I've heard a lot about you."

"Its a honor to meet you too, Aideen. Thank you for taking care of my sister."

"I'm not Aideen," she declared, making me open my mouth in protest. "I'm Oda, Princess Oda."

"Oda!" I hissed. "What are you saying?"

"I despise lying. I'm telling her the truth," she replied. Yes, of course the princess who is cheating in The Dandelion System despites dishonesty—how full of morals.

"Princess? What truth? Karlina, what's going on?" Catalina asked in a panic. I sigh.

"Catalina, please stay calm as you listen," her expression softened. "The one who entered is not my lady in waiting. It's Princess Oda. She requested for my help in The Dandelion System in exchange of trying to restore your eyesight."

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