Part 96 Is Rhubarb so obedient?

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"Help! Murder!" Zhou Tingting screamed at the scene before her. If something happened to her mother-in-law here, her in-laws would surely skin her alive when she got back.

Sinian called out, "Big Yellow."

To everyone's astonishment, the frenzied Big Yellow immediately slammed on the brakes and wagged its tail as it walked towards her.

Everyone was stunned.

Wasn't Big Yellow a ferocious dog? When it bit Aunt Liu before, no one could stop it even when people yelled until their voices were hoarse. At that time, everyone thought animals were just animals and couldn't understand human language. But now, it seemed Big Yellow didn't understand their words, not that it couldn't understand human language at all.

"Mom, wake up!" Zhou Tingting cried and shook Wang's mother, thinking she was fainted out of fear.

Sinian rushed over, alarmed. "Auntie, Auntie, are you okay? Please don't die~"

Wang's mother's eyelids twitched suddenly, and her nostrils flared.

Seeing this, Sinian knew the old woman was faking it. She quickly grabbed her and twisted her wrist.

"Ah—!" Wang's mother, who had just feigned fainting, screamed like a slaughtered pig and jumped up, slapping Sinian. "You wretch!"

Sinian dodged swiftly and pulled Zhou Tingting beside her.

The slap landed squarely on Zhou Tingting's face with full force, disorienting her completely.


Wang's mother, infuriated, lunged at Sinian. But the menacing Big Yellow, lurking nearby, charged and knocked her to the ground.

When Wang's mother woke up, she found herself surrounded by several police officers. Upon hearing that she was to be taken to the police station for questioning, she slumped to the ground, almost fainting again!

At the police station, she saw her injured second son, Li Mingjun.

Her face changed immediately, filled with concern. "Mingjun, what are you doing here?"

Li Mingjun had been brought in by the people from the farm. His face was pale, and he dared not utter a word, keeping his head down.

After a moment of shock, Wang's mother shouted angrily, "You beasts! Beating my son wasn't enough for you? Now you bring my injured son here? If anything happens to him, I won't let you off!"

The others had no patience for her ranting. "Keep talking about 'not letting off,' but who's going to be the one in trouble?"

Before Wang's mother could react further, she saw Zhou Tingting and Sinian being led out by the police. Zhou Tingting looked miserable, her face ashen. Sinian appeared pitiful, with the police comforting her.

Wang's mother glared fiercely at Sinian, her eyes like she wanted to devour her. Seeing this, Sinian quickly hid behind a police officer.

The police noticed Wang's mother's murderous gaze and immediately frowned. "Comrade Si, don't worry. No one here will trouble you."

With teary eyes, Sinian responded, "This lady said her father is with the police station, and no one dares to touch her... I'm scared."

Wang's mother was speechless.

The police's face darkened, "I don't care who her father is, no one gets special treatment here."

Wang's mother turned pale. She had only mentioned her father's connection to reassure everyone. She hadn't expected to actually end up at the police station.

Wang's mother immediately played the victim card, "Comrade officer, don't listen to her nonsense! She seduced my son, causing him to lose his job and end up in the hospital. I just came to seek justice, and she set her dog on us!"

Sinian frowned, looking aggrieved, "Aunty, do you have delusions of persecution? I look like a fairy, and your son is just dirt on the ground. Why would I be interested in him?"

This angered Wang's mother even more, "You, you...!"

"Enough!" The police officer interrupted, "Stop using derogatory terms. It's an insult to the teaching profession."

Besides, Sinian wasn't wrong. She was indeed stunning, while Li Mingjun didn't exactly stand out. Why assume she'd be interested in him?

Wang's mother turned pale and slumped in her chair, "Comrade officer, she's lying! My son is innocent!"

Sinian sighed deeply, "Aunty, it's truly pitiable that after raising him for decades, you can't even tell if he's human or not."

Then she turned to the police officer beside her, "Comrade, everyone at our farm knows the truth about this, including why he was beaten..."

The police officer immediately turned to the group of men from the farm.

They stepped forward, "Li Mingjun brought this upon himself. Leveraging his relationship with the Zhou family, he repeatedly harassed my sister-in-law. He even lied to her, saying our boss sent him to deliver meat. The meat that our boss asked us to deliver before, this guy eagerly offered to help, and we didn't think much of it."

This was a mess. Now who would dare marry her son in the future? Even at this moment, Wang's mother was worrying about her son's marriage prospects, which was quite absurd.

In her rage, Wang's mother grabbed Zhou Tingting by the hair, venting all her anger on her.

Sinian was stunned by this scene. This family was truly dysfunctional and dramatic!

When Zhou Yueshen arrived, what he saw was a fierce confrontation between his sister and mother-in-law, with his beloved standing by watching the spectacle...

Reborn in the 1980s: I became a stepmother in the 1980sWhere stories live. Discover now