Part 95 Who dares to touch our sister-in-law?

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Zhou Tingting and her mother were momentarily stunned by Si Nian's blunt response. The crowd around them was also taken aback, their eyes widening at Si Nian's sharp words.

Zhou Lao coughed awkwardly, trying to break the tension. "Let's not resort to personal attacks. We're here to resolve misunderstandings, not to escalate them."

Si Nian took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "Auntie, I apologize for my words. It's just... it's hard to believe these accusations when they don't align with the reality we know."

Wang Mama's face was still red with anger, but her earlier aggressive stance had softened. "I... I just can't believe my son would lie to me. He's been telling me it was all because of you."

Si Nian sighed, "Auntie, I understand your feelings. But please believe me when I say I had no intention of causing harm or taking advantage of your son. If there was any misunderstanding, it's truly unintentional."

The atmosphere was thick with tension, but Si Nian's calm demeanor and sincere words seemed to sway the crowd. Slowly, the murmurs died down, and the crowd began to disperse further, some leaving with a nod of understanding, while others with lingering doubts.

Zhou Tingting whispered to her mother, "Mom, let's go inside and talk."

Wang Mama hesitated but eventually nodded, "Alright."

As they moved towards the Zhou family's home, Si Nian turned to her mother, "Mom, don't worry. I'll handle this."

Her mother nodded, giving her a reassuring squeeze on the arm.

The two families entered the house, leaving behind a crowd that was still processing the events that had unfolded. The situation had taken a surprising turn, and it was clear that there was much more to the story than met the eye.

Wang Mama's face flushed with anger, her eyes blazing with indignation. "How dare you insult my son like that!"

The tension in the air was palpable, and the crowd seemed to hold its collective breath, waiting for the next explosion.

Si Nian's bold words had caught everyone off guard. Her audacity in speaking so bluntly, coupled with her undeniable beauty, left many in the crowd at a loss for words. Some looked at each other, trying to gauge the reactions of those around them.

Lin Xiao's protective stance in front of Si Nian, combined with her sharp retorts, painted a vivid picture. It was a scene of a protective brother shielding his sister from harm, and a sister who wasn't afraid to stand up for herself.

Si Nian's words had struck a chord with many. Her beauty was undeniable, and her confidence in herself and her family was contagious. It was clear to everyone that she was not the kind of woman to be trifled with.

A few of the more daring onlookers even stifled their laughter at Si Nian's dramatic display of disgust, finding her over-the-top reaction amusing.

Wang Mama, on the other hand, was left speechless. Her face turned from red to pale as she struggled to find the words to counter Si Nian's accusations.

Finally, she managed to mutter, "You... you're just a spoiled city girl! How dare you insult my son like that!"

But her words lacked the fire they had before, and everyone could tell that Wang Mama had been shaken by Si Nian's words.

The crowd began to disperse slowly, murmuring among themselves. The initial tension had eased, replaced by a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

Si Nian, still standing confidently behind her brother, gave a small smile, feeling satisfied that she had successfully defended herself and her family's honor.

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