Part 45 Frame

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Because Zhou Yue Shen's farm was very busy, as the boss, he couldn't stay outside for too long. So, after breakfast, the two of them were preparing to leave.

Meanwhile, at the Zhou family home, it was Saturday, a day off from school. Zhou Yueshan sat at the table, eating the sour soup and rice made by his elder brother, his face contorted as if he were constipated. His eyes occasionally glanced outside. At that moment, he realized that he surprisingly missed that beautiful stepmother of his.

Zhou Yueshan continued eating without expression. It was the first time he didn't finish his meal. He didn't want to waste it, so he took it outside to feed it to Da Huang.

Da Huang only sniffed at it and then turned his head away, not even bothering to look at it.

Zhou Yueshan muttered softly to Da Huang, "Da Huang, do you also think my brother's cooking is terrible?"

"I also think so, but I dare not say," Da Huang replied.

"I wonder when that stepmother will come back. Of course, I'm not saying I miss her. I'm just worried about my little sister," he murmured to himself as he squatted beside Da Huang.

Just then, there was a sound of the door being pushed open from outside. Zhou Yueshan looked over eagerly, only to see Liu Shen with a pleasing expression on her face. He was instantly disappointed.

"Second young master, quickly open the door for Grandma. Grandma has brought you some delicious treats," Liu Shen said.

After Liu Shen returned home for some time and everyone heard that she had been dismissed, no one in the family had treated her well. Now that she heard Zhou Yueshan and Sini went to the neighboring village, she hurried over, hoping to get some benefits.

Sure enough, when she saw the second young master at home, her eyes lit up immediately. These two kids were timid, and they never dared to report anything to the elders.

So, she coaxed the child to open the door for her.

When the second young master heard about the delicious treats, he eagerly walked over.

"What delicious treats?" he asked curiously, standing at the doorway and looking at Aunt Liu.

Clearly, she didn't have anything in her hands.

"You let Grandma in, and Grandma will give you some," Aunt Liu said. She didn't actually have any treats, but it was just a trick to deceive children.

She couldn't even bear to buy delicious food for her own children, let alone for other children.

The second young master was a bit puzzled, but he didn't think much about it and opened the door.

As expected, Aunt Liu immediately darted in, looking around and, seeing no one, hurriedly walked into the Zhou family's house.

It wasn't easy for anyone else to enter the Zhou family's house.

The Zhou family's approach to security was different from other households. For the safety of their children, Zhou Yueshen not only kept a large dog but also locked the iron gate. While other families relied on a simple wooden stick to secure their doors, they often fell victim to thieves and intruders. However, in the case of the Zhou family's spacious house in the area, no one had ever dared to approach.

Aunt Liu, taking advantage of her previous employment at the Zhou household, dared to come over. Zhou Yueshan regretted letting her in. Although he didn't like Aunt Liu, he didn't think much of it since she was a familiar face.

However, seeing her ignoring him and heading towards the house, he felt anxious. "Aunt Liu, do you need anything?" he asked hastily.

Aunt Liu replied casually, "Grandma left something here and came to look for it."

With that, she headed towards the second floor.

As Aunt Liu was from the city, she must have brought some good stuff with her. She probably took the chance to steal something, and later, if something went missing, Sini might suspect the brothers.

Zhou Yueshan, who had just finished washing the dishes, saw Aunt Liu entering the stepmother's room. His younger brother followed, looking bewildered.

He rushed over and asked, "Xiao Han, why is she here?"

Zhou Yueshan wanted to follow but was shut out by Aunt Liu. Feeling desperate, he didn't know what to do. When he saw his older brother approaching, he felt as if he had found a lifeline. With a trembling voice and tears welling up in his eyes, he explained, "Brother, Aunt Liu said she left something in our house and promised me some treats if I let her in. Then she went into stepmother's room... I didn't mean it..."

Zhou Yueshan's eyes turned red, his legs trembling, and his words stumbling.

If Aunt Liu really stole something from the stepmother, she would definitely be beaten to death by her. He was doomed. Zhou Yuedong also glared at his younger brother in frustration. "You fool!"

Meanwhile, after returning to the village, Sini and Zhou Yueshen went their separate ways. Zhou Yueshen headed straight to the breeding farm, while Sini took Yao Yao home. Since it was Saturday and neither of the younger siblings had school, Sini planned to take them to the mountains to forage for wild mushrooms. The weather was good, especially after the rain last night, which meant there would likely be plenty of mushrooms in the mountains, perfect for making delicious soup.

However, as they approached their house, they noticed that the iron gate was open. Sini found this suspicious but entered nonetheless. Inside, they were greeted by Big Yellow, wagging its tail, indicating it was hungry. Sini had spent enough time with Big Yellow to know it was friendly and didn't bite. Just as she was about to pat its head, she heard faint crying from inside the house— it was Xiao Er's voice.

Concerned, Sini hurried inside and found Xiao Da lying on the ground, while Xiao Er was sobbing in fear. Aunt Liu stood arrogantly in front of them, hurling insults and even attempting to kick them. "You two little animals dare to stop me! You don't want to live anymore, do you..."

She was about to leave, but froze in place upon seeing Sini standing at the doorway, her triumphant expression replaced with shock.

She instinctively covered her pocket.

Sinian didn't expect Aunt Liu to show up here. Her expression darkened as she strode forward and pulled Zhou Yuandong up from the ground.

She glanced him up and down, relieved to see he was fine, before turning her gaze to the somewhat flustered Aunt Liu.

Narrowing her eyes, Sinian asked, "Aunt Liu, what are you doing here?"

"I, I didn't do anything! These little brats blocked my way and wouldn't let me leave. I just gave them a shove, it's not my fault," Aunt Liu defended herself nervously.

"Then why are you at my house?" Sinian demanded.

Aunt Liu straightened up, trying to sound confident. "I used to take care of the children here, and I left something behind. I came back to retrieve it. But when I entered, I saw these two kids sneaking around in your room, trying to steal something. I scolded them and said I would tell you, then they panicked and wouldn't let me leave. That's how it happened!"

" You should have heard, right? They drove away their previous stepmother, afraid that someone would take away their father. Although they are young, they have many thoughts."

Reborn in the 1980s: I became a stepmother in the 1980sWhere stories live. Discover now