Part 65 Suspect

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Li Mingjun's move to flaunt the better cuts of meat was clear. He wanted to impress, and more importantly, to show up Yu Dong's less-than-impressive delivery.

As he approached, some neighbors watched with curiosity, while others couldn't help but feel amused by Li Mingjun's attempts to impress Zhou Ning. The sight of him wearing a flashy watch was not lost on them either.

Zhou Ning, hearing the familiar voice and his loud proclamation, hesitated before opening the gate. When she saw the high-quality pork in his hands, she raised an eyebrow in surprise.

Li Mingjun, feeling quite pleased with himself, said, "See, this is what I wanted to bring over. Proper cuts, not like what Yu Dong brought."

Zhou Ning looked at him, then at the bag Li Mingjun had set down, and finally at the better cuts of meat he held. She then glanced back at the bag Yu Dong had brought earlier. A slight smile played on her lips as she realized what Li Mingjun was up to.

"Thank you for the meat," she said calmly. "But I appreciate all the gifts, not just the fancy ones." With that, she picked up the bag Yu Dong had brought and placed it next to the one Li Mingjun held.

Li Mingjun's face turned a shade redder, his plan backfiring spectacularly. Zhou Ning's graceful and calm demeanor, combined with her words, made it clear she was not to be won over with flashy gifts or empty gestures.

The crowd that had gathered exchanged glances, trying to suppress their smiles. Li Mingjun, feeling embarrassed but trying to save face, said, "Well, next time I'll bring better gifts."

Zhou Ning nodded, "Looking forward to it."

Closing the gate, she couldn't help but chuckle to herself. Despite the village's gossip and the attempts by some to belittle her, Zhou Ning knew her worth and wouldn't be swayed by superficial gestures.

"This is a symbol of urban living; villagers can't afford it," Li Mingjun thought, referring to his flashy watch.

Seeing him again, Sinian's eyes flashed with annoyance. But seeing what he was carrying, she wondered if it was indeed sent by Zhou Yueshen. Why would Zhou Yueshen value someone like this guy?

Feeling a bit impatient but curious about his intentions, Sinian approached him. "Just leave it there and go," she said, keeping her distance.

Hearing this, Li Mingjun's face darkened. "What kind of attitude is that? I've come all this way to deliver your stuff, and you won't even let me in? That's just rude."

Sinian shot back, "Hasn't my husband paid you?"

He paused, then replied, a bit defensively, "What do you mean by that?"

Sinian crossed her arms, "You're paid to deliver goods. Where I tell you to put it, that's where it goes. What's the problem?"

Li Mingjun was left speechless. He realized Sinian had always viewed him as nothing more than a delivery guy for the Zhou family.

"Are you misunderstanding something? While I do drive for the Zhou family, I'm not just some worker. I'm helping out because of my sister-in-law's position. By the way, I'm from Nan Cheng, the most prosperous city around here."

"So?" Sinian smirked, "Did you not get paid then?"

Li Mingjun choked on his words.

"I'll say it one last time, leave it at the door and go, or I'll set the dog on you," Sinian warned.

Fuming, Li Mingjun retorted, "You're doing this all because of Zhou Yueshen? Look at him, so stingy. With such a big farm, he can't even spare you some good stuff? All this leftover junk, and I even saved a piece of pork belly for you!"

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