Part 78 Flustered Lin Sisi

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The surroundings fell into a deadly silence.

Suddenly, all eyes were on Lin Sisi.

There was shock, suspicion...

Lin Sisi's head buzzed loudly, like a thunderbolt had struck her!

She never expected that something she thought she could easily brush off would turn into such a trap set by the police!

Were the police this clever now, or was she overthinking? Was it just a coincidence?

Lin Sisi had lived two lifetimes. In her previous life, she would have panicked and lost her composure. But now, she was only flustered for a moment before regaining her composure. She slapped her forehead in regret, "Look at me, so much has happened recently that my memory's gotten confused. Actually, that day, Xiaoxue came to see me after hearing that our family's money was stolen to comfort me."

She finished speaking, lowered her head in feigned sadness, hiding her emotions.

She was truly panicked because these police officers exceeded her expectations.

In those remote villages, theft was commonplace. Even if the police were involved, they would typically just go through the motions and then drop the case. After all, it wasn't like now with surveillance everywhere.

If something got stolen, you just accepted your bad luck.

Who would have thought that these police officers would suspect her?

Why else would they ask such questions?

Lin Sisi was both regretful and panicked.

Why did this have to happen right when the two families were discussing the wedding date?

The officer's question had put her right in the spotlight!

She felt like she was walking on thin ice, one wrong step and she would fall into a trap she couldn't escape from.

Thinking of the Fu family still present, Lin Sisi became even more flustered.

The police gave her another strange look and asked, "So, what's the name of the friend you went to see?"

Lin Sisi's heart jumped again, and her voice stuttered, "Her name is... is... is Liu Dongdong!"

Liu Dongdong wasn't really a friend of hers, not someone she cared about at all. But by sheer coincidence, a few days ago, when she went shopping, she saw Liu Dongdong.

Liu Dongdong was working in the city! At a textile factory. Lin Sisi remembered her envious and humble look vividly!

At that time, her vanity was so satisfied that she even went over to greet her.

Since these police officers had already asked about her friends, they must already know she hadn't gone to see them!

Hiss! That was close! She almost slipped up again!

Lin Sisi felt as if she was walking on a tightrope over an abyss. One wrong step, and she would plunge into it!

She had fought so hard to come back and enjoy this luxurious life!

She couldn't let it all go to waste over such a small matter!

She could use Liu Dongdong! The police would definitely go and ask Liu Dongdong. But they wouldn't know she wasn't at home. She could use this time to find Liu Dongdong for help!

There was also something very important. Lin Sisi needed to go back and find out why, after nearly two months, her family suddenly reported the theft! And why did they suspect her?

She had a feeling, a premonition that this matter had something to do with Si Nian!

It must be something she said to her parents that made them suspect her.

Lin Sisi clenched her fists. Why did Si Nian suspect her?

Sure enough, the police officer glanced at his notebook upon hearing her response, as if searching for that name. He frowned slightly and asked, "Liu Dongdong is your classmate? You're close?"

Reading the situation, Lin Sisi let out a small sigh of relief and replied, "Yes, she's also from the same village as me. Didn't you ask her?" she deliberately asked.

The police officers exchanged glances. After a moment, one of them nodded and said, "Alright, we got it. We'll contact you if there are any updates."

Lin Sisi's tense heart finally relaxed, nodding quickly in response.

The Si family also breathed a sigh of relief. For a moment, they had feared their daughter was the thief who took the three thousand yuan!


Mrs. Si hugged her daughter, her anger flaring up again. What did they mean by that? They clearly suspected her daughter just now!

Moreover, the Fu family was here! Having heard those words, what would they think?

Seemingly caught off guard by the situation, the Fu family stood up. "Since you have other matters to attend to, we'll discuss this another time," Mrs. Zheng said, pulling her husband away.

With the Fu family gone, the atmosphere turned chilly. The Si family, no longer in the mood for any further discussion, bid farewell with forced smiles.

Once the Fu family left, the tension became palpable.

For the first time, Mr. Si wore a stern expression and asked in a deep voice, "Sisi, what's going on?"

He wasn't stupid. The police's words clearly pointed to his daughter's guilt.

Mr. Si was very concerned about his reputation. Having the police visit their home was already embarrassing. Now, with them suspecting his daughter, the situation was even worse!

"If this gets out, how will I ever show my face again?" Lin Sisi thought.

"Dad, I really don't know anything about this. It's not related to me at all," Lin Sisi quickly explained. "I never imagined that my adoptive parents would suddenly suspect me. It's probably because I left them and made them unhappy. And because of me, Sister Sinian married that man. They must have had some thoughts, which is why they're blaming me. It's all my fault..."

Hearing her husband blame their daughter, Zhang Cuimei looked incredulous. "Honey, why are you blaming our Sisi? What does this have to do with her? It must be that the Lin family stole the money. They see us doing well now and are jealous of Sisi's good life, so they're picking on us. I can see right through their intentions!"

The last time she visited the Lin family, she had noticed how poor they were! They might look simple and honest on the surface, but who knows what they're really like inside? And what a coincidence that they come looking for trouble right after our daughter transferred her household registration back. Anyone with a brain can see what they're up to!

Hearing this, Mr. Si frowned. He didn't want to doubt his own daughter, but the way the police had questioned him earlier was really embarrassing.

He had questioned his daughter out of anger, but now, hearing his wife's words, he too began to feel suspicious. Seeing her husband waver, Zhang Cuimei added fuel to the fire, "Didn't I tell you about the household registration transfer a few days ago? It was the bureau chief who helped process it for us, considering our relationship with the Fu family. Maybe they saw our connections and targeted our daughter! I really underestimated them!"

She looked disdainful.

Mr. Si was taken aback, "What did you say? Which bureau chief?"

"The Public Security Bureau Chief, Chief Li. He personally handled our household registration transfer," Zhang Cuimei said proudly.

She had been boasting about this for a while now, telling everyone she met. Everyone was so envious of her.

But Mr. Si frowned and murmured, "What does Chief Li have to do with the Fu family?"

Reborn in the 1980s: I became a stepmother in the 1980sNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ