Chapter 25

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A couple days had gone by and Minho hadn't returned to Chan's house. The boys had looked everywhere they could think of, until Seungmin suddenly remembered something.

"The ice rink!" He exclaimed. Everyone looked at him in confusion.

"You know..." He did a little gesture with his hands and that somehow made the others remember.

They all made their way to the run down rink and carefully opened the door. They were greeted with the cold air they were all used to.

Minho was curled up on a bench, his hair was being pushed back before it fell into place again and then pushed back once more.

But nothing was there and there certainly wasn't a breeze blowing through the building.

"Minho?" Hyunjin called out.

Minho's hair immediately fell down and became still. Sweat trickled down Minho's face now that nothing was there to brush it away.

"Huh...that's weird...what's up with his hair?" Changbin asked, becoming curious.

"I think I know what." Bangchan answered. He walked over to Minho and delicately shook him awake.

"Jisung?" Minho croaked out, coughing a little as he used Chan's support to help him sit up properly.

"No, sorry to disappoint, just us." Chan spoke softly, brushing the hair out of Minho's face so it wouldn't get completely stuck by his sweat.

Minho scanned the room, looking for a certain someone. His eyes met with Jisung's, who was leaning up against the glass fencing around the ice rink, and then the younger immediately casted his eyes downwards.

He was looking at the floor and fiddling with his fingers anxiously.

Minho wanted to get his attention to silently ask if he was okay, which it was obvious he wasn't, but the boy just wouldn't look up, even with the older's persistent staring.

So Minho just sighed and turned back to the group in front of him.

"Who's Jisung?" Jeongin's voice cut through the harsh silence that hung in the air.

Minho once again looked over to Jisung who was staring at Jeongin with a hurt look. Tears in his eyes. He was worried that his friends didn't remember him. He stayed up most nights thinking about it. And here it was. His worst fear. Right in front of him.

Being forgotten.

But all his doubts were shattered when Seungmin spoke up.

"Wait, Jisung? What's his last name?" The puppy-like boy turned his attention to Minho, who looked to be in a daze, completely zoned out.

"Han..." He said slowly and ever so quietly that if the room hadn't been so eerily silent, no one would've heard him.

"Han?!" Felix shouted, causing everyone to flinch. His eyes held a glimmer of hope that maybe his friend was somehow still alive.

Jisung smiled weakly. They remembered him. That was all he needed. Remembrance.

"Is he here? Can we see him? Is he alive? Oh my god!" Felix felt tears roll hastily down his cheeks, he looked frantically around him, trying to search for the dead boy.

Changbin lightly grasped his hand, hoping to calm the boy down, which worked, and kissed his temple lightly, whispering a "shh, baby, not so loud, please" in his ear.

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