Chapter 7

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"Guys! Guess who got a boyfriend!" Hyunjin ran into the changing rooms. He wore a blinding smile and was completely restless.

"You?" Chan said.

"Yes! His name's Seungmin and he's so cute and he's coming to watch tonight's game, so you can all meet him." Everyone went over to Hyunjin to pat him on the back and congratulate him.

Everyone but Minho.

He was completely lost in thought.

"Seungmin...where have I heard that name before..?"

"Minho, you good?" Changbin asked, slightly concerned.

"Hyunjin, describe him to me."

"Okay, okay." Hyunjin nodded with enthusiasm, excited to talk about his boyfriend and not questioning how weird his friend was being. "He looks so much like a puppy, it's so adorable, and he's lowkey really sarcastic and straightforward and mature, but I was talking to his friends and they said that that was good because I've always got my head in the clouds. He's a little bit shorter than me and one year younger than me and he's got blonde highlights and they look so good and he looks so pretty when his hair is slightly messy and oh my god, I could scream right now." Hyunjin spoke quickly.

"Why'd you need him to describe him to you?"

"I thought I recognised the name, but it's nothing. I'm happy for you, he seems like a good match."

"Sounds the same as the Seungmin Jisung described to me. I'll ask him about it."


"Okay guys, this is my boyfriend."

"He looks exactly as Hyunjin had described him. Cute and puppy-like." Minho thought.

Seungmin shyly hid behind his boyfriend. Obviously intimidated by three sweaty hockey players.

However, everyone was very welcoming and tried hard to make Seungmin feel included. Small conversation had started between the boys and Seungmin had become more comfortable emerging from behind Hyunjin, even though he was still clinging to his arm.

"Minnie, do you want to ask your friends to join us for dinner as a celebration for our win?"

"Okay." He walked towards two other boys who were engrossed in conversation.

"Guys, Hyunjin wants you to have dinner to celebrate the win with him and his friends."

The two boys stopped their conversation.

"No." They both said together.

"Come on. I know both your crushes are there but maybe it's a chance to get closer with them and then you'll man up like me and eventually date."

"A little reminder that Hyunjin asked you out and not you." Felix said.

"Another reminder that you were so surprised you nearly said no because you were scared but now you're too emotionally attached to him that-." Jeongin added.

"No need to expose me, jeez." Seungmin interrupted and flicked Jeongin on the forehead, then he grabbed both their arms and started dragging them over to the group of boys.

Once they'd all been introduced, they sat down at a booth in a restaurant.

Everyone paired off in their conversations, but Minho. However, he was too engrossed in his thoughts to realize.

How come he'd potentially met Jisung's old friends. How much of a coincidence is that? Maybe it's fate?

"No Minho, don't be stupid, it's just a coincidence. But, I need to tell Jisung about this."

"Guys, um, I'm feeling a bit sick, I think I'm gonna go home now."

"Are you sure? We haven't even ordered yet." Chan asked, concerned.

"No, it's okay."

"Do you want one of us to come over with some soup and medicine?" Changbin offered.

"I think I'll manage. I don't want to bring the mood down, so I'll take rest for now. Don't worry about it, I'm sure it'll pass by tomorrow."

"If you say so. Stay safe."

"You too." He waved meekly, trying to get into character, before leaving the restaurant quickly.


He ran through the doors, frantically looking for Jisung.

"Ji?" He called.

"Min? Is that you?" A weak voice could be heard from out in the garden. Minho rushed over to the voice.

Jisung was lying curled up on the bench outside. A chilling breeze could be felt and the boy was shivering. That was unusual. He was a ghost. Normally, cold weather wouldn't effect him.

Minho crouched beside him. Worry creasing his features.

Without thinking, he placed a hand in Jisung's hair. He had forgotten he was a ghost. But, somehow, his hand didn't fall through.

Minho's eyes went wide, he ran his fingers through Jisung's hair, feeling the soft locks between them. He wanted to jump up in excitement, but Jisung was obviously in pain.

The older put his hands underneath the youngers torso and under his legs and picked him up bridal style. His skin was freezing. He brought him inside. It was a little bit warmer, but barely noticeable, so, Minho placed him on a bench and took his jacket off, draping it over Jisung's trembling body.

"Hyung, it hurts." A tear fell from Jisung's eye.

Honorifics? That was the first time Jisung's ever used those, but it's also the first time Jisung's ever cried, which is more important.

"What hurts, sweetie? What hurts?" Minho asked, pulling Jisung closer and placing the youngers head on his shoulder. His hand going back up to Jisung's hair.

"Here." Jisung whispered, placing a hand on his heart.

"Let me feel?" Jisung's hand dropped to his side and Minho placed his own hand on the younger's heart.

There was no pulse, as expected, but that area felt much colder then the rest of Jisung's body.

"You're so cold." Minho said worriedly, removing his hand.

Jisung quickly placed Minho's hand back on his heart. He felt the heat from Minho radiate through his body and it made him feel better.

"What happened, sweets?" The older asked as softly as he could.

"I don't know, I don't know." Jisung sobbed, pulling Minho's body closer to his, "I-I was f-fine a-and then it s-started to h-hurt after you l-left."

"Is it getting better now that I'm here?" Jisung nodded into the crook of the elder's neck, his hair tickling Minho's skin.

"Try and get some sleep, Sungie." Minho brushed a hair out of Jisung's face.

"Can y-you s-sing for m-me?"

"I can't si-"

"Please, Minho." Jisung teared up more.

"Okay, okay, precious. Just don't cry please." The younger made himself comfortable against Minho as Minho kept one hand on Jisung's heart and the other in his hair.

He started playing with his hair before singing a song his mother used to sing for him when he was little.

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