Chapter 6

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"Hey Jisung." There was the boy again, he was facing Jisung, but Jisung couldn't make out who it was. His face was blurry.

"Hey." He smiled softly back to the boy. He felt comfort.

"My dad says I can't see you anymore, so I came to say goodbye. He doesn't know I'm here with you right now." The boy said, his voice was laced with sadness.

"W-what? Are you serious?" Jisung said, tears stinging his eyes and burning his skin as it ran down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's not your fault." Jisung smiled at the boy, "I hope you stay healthy."

"I hope you stay healthy too."

"I love you." He embraced the boy warmly, tears wetting the material that the other was wearing.

He felt a kiss on top of his head, "I love you too, Ji, please don't ever forget that. I love you so much."

"Promise we'll find each other in every life?"

"Promise, my love." They linked their little fingers together. A bittersweet smile on both their faces.

They leant in.

Lips brushing each other.

So close, yet, somehow, still so far.

He felt the boys breath against his skin.

They pressed their lips together.

Jisung woke with a start. His 'heart' pounding.

He went to sleep?

The boy looked at the time. 10 am. He tried to sleep at about 9 pm.

So he really slept.

Jisung broke out in a smile. Sitting up. He laughed to himself. This had to mean something good. He finally slept, for the first time in 5 years. It was the best thing he'd ever experienced.

But, wait.

He was pulled out of his happiness quickly.

What was that dream? What did that mean? Who was that boy? In every memory he's regained, that boy was in it.

They had kissed. They were in love.

'Promise me we'll find each other in every life?'

What did that mean?

Jisung had so many questions flooding his mind, he decided to put on his skates like he was about to do yesterday and head onto the ice rink, in hopes of clearing his foggy mind.

As he was skating, the door opened.

"Hey Ji." Minho called. Jisung stopped suddenly.

He recognized his voice from somewhere else all of a sudden. He ran off the ice and over to where Minho was standing. The older was taken quite off guard by the sudden action.



"Can you say something for me?"

"Uh, yeah, sure?" Minho questioned, he cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

"Can you say, 'I love you too, Ji, please don't ever forget that. I love you so much."

"Huh? Why? Is this your way of making me confess or something?"

"No, no. Just do it please, I'm trying to see something."

"Okay? I love you too, Ji, please don't ever forget that. I love you so much." He said in a confused tone. It didn't match what Jisung wanted. Maybe he was wrong about his thoughts. He decided to test it again.

"No, say it like you mean it. Like you are yearning for me, but I'm being taken away from you and we'll never see each other again and this is the only time you'll ever be able to say this to me." He said all in one breath.

"Ji, what are you trying to tell me?" Minho's voice quivered slightly as he tried to understand what the younger might be telling him.

"No. I'm not leaving any time soon, it's just, I had this dream and someone said that to me and-"

"You had a dream?!" Minho interrupts him excitedly, "that means you went to sleep, right? Oh my god! Jisung this is amazing. You must be finding what you need to set you free." Minho was happy, but it looked forced as he said the last phrase. On the inside, he was hurting, the thought of losing Jisung, the thought of him properly dying this time, was killing him. He didn't want to lose Jisung, he'd become too attached. To be honest, he was scared to lose him.

"Yes I did sleep." Jisung crossed his arms, annoyed that Minho wouldn't say it, "Please just say what I asked."

"What was it again?"

"Oh my god. You know what, never mind." He'd have to find out if the boy from his dream's voice matched Minho's through is own observations.

"Why did you want me to say that?"

"It really doesn't matter."

"Yes it does. It was clearly bothering you."

"A lot of things are bothering me right now,
Minho. Just drop it."


"I said drop it!" He nearly shouted, making Minho flinch, "please..." he spoke softer after that.

This dream meant so much to him. It felt warm and safe. The boy felt warm and safe. He wanted to touch him again, to feel his presence again, but obviously, that was the last time they would see each other. They said so in the dream.

Jisung sat down on the bench, taking his skates off.

"I'm sorry for pushing you." Minho carefully sat beside him.

"No, it's okay. I'm just...not used to other people caring about me, I guess." Jisung sighed, taking his skates off and placing them on the bench the other side of him, "and I'm sorry for raising my voice. It wasn't that deep anyway, I was just overreacting."

"Jisung. Every emotion you feel is valid, it's never an overreaction. I learnt this from Hyunjin," he laughed slightly before continuing, "he once told me that it may not seem like a big deal to everyone else, but if it's a big deal to you, you're allowed to react in any way you want. But I would like to add as long as it isn't harmful to other people." Minho smiled, he wanted to grab Jisung's hand and comfort him, but he couldn't.

"Of course, sometimes, our emotions cannot be controlled and we end up hurting the ones we love. In those situations, it's important to focus on how you deal with that and realize what they feel and what you can do to make amends with that person.

If that person leaves anyway, they were never meant to stay."

"You have a beautiful outlook on life." Jisung almost whispered.

"I try."

"Thank you for that."

"Anytime, Sung."

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