Chapter 17

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The boys were on the bench outside.

"Jisung." Minho called quietly.

Jisung hummed in acknowledgment.

"I'm scared."

"What are you scared of?" Jisung sat up from his previous position of lying in Minho's lap.

"I'm scared of my dad. He...he killed you. If I go back now after coming out to him and running away...I don't know what he'd do to me."

Jisung sat there for a moment. In all honesty, he didn't know what to do or say. He'd never really had to comfort someone before and to see Minho basically break down in front of him was a little overwhelming, but he didn't let that show, he had to be strong.

"Listen, stay here as long as you need. I honestly don't know what words you need to hear right now but, I'll always be here for you, no matter what, my ice rink is always open for you." Jisung caressed Minho's hand. "You're really brave." He whispered.

Minho smiled warmly. He knew he'd have to go back to his house eventually, but knowing he could stay in his little hide out for as long as he needed with Jisung made everything just slightly more bearable.

He glanced at the floor, fiddling with Jisung's fingers which were still holding his.

He took a large breath before speaking, "it's just that..." he paused, "it's just that, I feel like I'm putting too much pressure on you to be there for me when you know I have other friends."

"Minho, you need to stop worrying about how I feel when clearly the most important thing right now is you. I will always tell you if something bad is happening in my life because I know that you'll always want to hear it, no matter what I'm going through, you need to think the same about me. I will always listen and try to help, whatever you're going through, even if I'm going through something ten times worse. If it matters to you and affects you, then it matters to me and affects me."

Minho sniffed and dabbed his cheeks with his sleeve. He'd always had to be the strong one. The one who didn't cry. The one who stood up for others. The one who always helped. For once, it was nice to be the one crying. To be the one being stood up for. To be the one being helped.

Finally, he felt loved and completed.

He brought Jisung into a hug, burying his face into the younger's hair. Tears moistened the strands but neither boys cared.

Everything happening right now was too much and the only thing they could find solace in was each other.

Neither of them had a home.

Neither of them had a family or one that they could happily call their own.

Neither of them had anything.

Anything but each other.

A//N: guess who got skz tickets!!

Also I know the gaps between updates seem so long but promise I will never abandon this book so please don't give up on me.

Thank you all for your patience, I'm sorry the chapters are always so short!!

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