Chapter 2

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The next day, Minho trudged through the overgrown greenery which had made its way inside the building, on his way to see Jisung again.

This time, he had made sure he had a completely free day, so he could spend as much time as he could with the boy. He found him interesting. He couldn't tear his eyes away from him. The way Jisung was slightly translucent and had something almost like an aura surrounding him intrigued Minho. He found it beautiful.

Once he reached the ground floor, he pushed open the door, once again, greeted by the younger gliding across the ice. He smiled to himself. If Jisung was still alive, he would've definitely been a very successful figure skater.

When Jisung had finished his performance, Minho started clapping, which startled Jisung, causing him to almost fall over. Minho laughed at him and made his way over to the barrier.

"You came!" Jisung exclaimed, excitedly skating over to him.

"I said I would, didn't I?" Jisung smiled at this before remembering something.

"Oh, did you bring your skates?" Minho holds them up. They were black, heavy hockey skates, contrasting Jisung's white, elegant skates which had gold detailings.

Jisung clapped his hands excitedly.

"Come on then!" He said, "get on the ice!"

Even though they had only met yesterday, they felt extremely comfortable with each other, almost like they had been friends for years.

"Give me a second. Jeez, so impatient." Minho rolled his eyes jokingly while tying up his laces.

Once they were on, Minho stepped onto the ice, immediately feeling a sense of freedom. He did a few laps of the rink, each time picking up speed while Jisung stood in the middle, watching him go round and round.

"You're gonna make me dizzy."

"How is that possible? You're a figure skater." Minho laughed before slowing down and gliding over to Jisung in the middle.

"Race you!" He said as he sped off to the other side of the rink, Jisung took a second to realize what was happening before he quickly skated over to where Minho was.

"Hey! That wasn't fair!" Jisung whined, pouting slightly. The older had to restrain himself from cooing at how cute Jisung looked.

They skated around the ice for a few hours, chasing each other, laughing at one another when they fell over, playing hockey.

Once Minho had gotten tired, they took off their skates and sat down on a bench.

"Are you sleepy?" Minho asked the younger.

"I'm a ghost, I can't get sleepy."

"Oh. I forgot." Minho suddenly felt his mood drop. He forgot Jisung was a ghost. He felt attached to the younger already and couldn't imagine him fading to the afterlife. It made him upset.

"Don't sulk." Jisung tried to console him, "it's okay."

"You said you haven't spoken to anyone since you passed. What about other ghosts? Have you been outside this building?"

"Um...well, to be honest, I don't know why I'm still here and not in the afterlife like every other ghost. I think I have to do something before I can fully 'die', I guess. But I'm not sure what it is." Jisung looked upwards in a thoughtful manner, "and I've never been outside this building since I died. I'm tied here. I think the thing I need to make me go to the afterlife is here, but I gave up searching years ago."

Minho looked at the brunette sadly. He wishes he could help him.

"Don't worry about it." He said as if reading his mind, "hey, maybe you could help me find what I need."

"Yeah. I'll help you." Minho tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible. He wanted to help Jisung, he really did, but he just couldn't shake the sadness. He felt selfish for wanting Jisung to stay. He's suffered enough and deserves to go onto the afterlife. He doesn't deserve to be held back by some desperate, lonely person like himself.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just tired."

"Do you wanna go home?"

"No." Minho replied softly. All he wanted to do was lean his head on Jisung's shoulder and go to sleep, but he knew that if he tried that he would whack his head on the bench.

"You remind me of someone." Minho said randomly after a moment of comfortable silence. He yawned and a tear formed in his eye, slightly.

"Hm?" Was all Jisung said in response.

"You remind me of someone but I can't remember who. I have a faint memory of someone who looked like you...but...I don't know. Maybe it's just a coincidence."

"I'm going to take a nap." Minho yawned again before laying down on the bench, curling up so there was enough space for Jisung.

"You can stretch out, you know."

"But you're there. I don't want to invade your privacy." He said before lulling off into a light sleep.

Jisung felt his heart warm, or maybe that was just an illusion. He doesn't have a heart. He felt warmth because Minho was treating him like he existed. He'd never really been treated like that, even when he was alive. It felt nice.

"Sleep well." Jisung whispered, before getting up to skate around the ice again.

Ghostly Beauty - Minsungحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن