Chapter 1

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Minho carefully stepped inside the ruined building, trying not to damage anything and leave it exactly how he found it.

He wasn't supposed to be here. He wasn't supposed to be trespassing on this ice rink that closed years ago, but here he was.

He had been intrigued by the story behind it. The story of a boy who had been shot while skating. No one knew why he had been shot or who shot him, but when people found him he was bleeding from the heart in the middle of the rink.

There was a rumor that his ghost haunted the place, but Minho didn't believe in ghosts.

Stepping over the vines and overgrown weeds, he made his way to the stairs leading down to the ice. He pulled his jacket on. It was going to get colder the further he went down. The ice might have been melted by now because there was no reason why anyone should spend money on keeping it cold enough for the ice to be safe to skate on, but as Minho climbed down the stairs, the air noticeably got much colder. Someone must've been keeping this place alive.

As he got to the door, he could hear faint music playing. Someone else was here. Someone was skating on the ice.

Silently, Minho pushed the door open.

When his eyes graced the rink, he saw the most breathtaking boy glide across it.

His beauty was unmatched.

Minho could only get glances at him as he was moving so fast, but he could already see how beautiful he was.

His skin was pale, maybe too pale, his hair was brunette, and his body was slim and toned. He wore a light blue costume that hugged his waist. The sparkles were gleaming in the moonlight that was shining in from the skylight making him look almost unreal.

Minho took a seat and watched as the boy effortlessly danced around the ice, every now and then he would jump into an axel or some kind of spin. Everything he did, he did with precision and elegance making it impossible to look away.

When the music ended, the boy stood in the middle of the rink, in a pose and breathing heavily.

Minho stood up and walked over to the barrier to get a closer look at the boy.

When the boy opened his eyes, he was startled that someone was by the barrier staring at him.

"You're beautiful." Minho almost whispered. The empty room caused an echo, making his voice carry throughout the ice rink.

"Y-you can see me?" The boy looked shocked and skated over to the barrier where Minho stood.

"Yes? What do you mean? Of course I can see you." Minho asked, clearly confused.

"Are you serious?" The boy jumped up and down slightly, his hair softly bouncing on his head making him look cute.

"What do I look like?" At this point, Minho was extremely confused. Why was this boy asking him what he looked like? Why was he surprised that he could see him?

He decided to just answer the boy's question. Maybe then he could get some answers of his own.

"Well, you're very beautiful. You have brunette hair, which is a little grown out. Your eyes are brown and very doe-like, your skin is pale and your lips are red, standing out against the colour of your skin."

"Oh my god! I'm going to cry!" The boy put his hands over his mouth.

"And you can hear me?"


"This is insane!"

"What's going on?" Minho asked.

"How do I put this?" The boy pondered for a moment, before opening his mouth to talk again, "I'm a ghost."

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