Short #1: Odie

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Location: Somewhere in Uptown Creation City


As we see a young man walking down the street, he is taking his pet dog named Odie down the street for a walk with an unhappy expression on his face as if he had a very bad day today or in this case, he wasn't the perfect example of a good pet owner to Odie.

Then Odie stopped for a moment as he looked to see an orange cat sitting on top of fence with an unamused look on his face as the dog looked at the cat with a happy smile, only for his master to pull the leash really hard, causing Odie to choke a bit and forced to continue walking with a sad expression on his face as he tried his best to keep up with his master, not wanting him to be whip with the belt when they get back home to the apartment.

They didn't even notice that the cat saw the whole thing along with a young man with a white hoodie had the hood over his head as he and his pet cat didn't like what they saw how the man treated Odie like an unworthy pet owner as they both planned to do something about it as they decided to follow them back home with their eyes glowing red.

Then when the two of them went back to their apartment and the man started watching TV in his underwear, eating a bowl of cereal while we see a very unhappy and hungry Odie laying on the floor, looking at his empty dog bowl dish, proving that his master didn't even bother putting food in his bowl before Odie laid down on the floor while his master continued watching TV until he went to bed, leaving Odie hungry tonight and had to sleep on the cold floor tonight.

But what he doesn't know is that he is about to receive a well-deserved punishment from a couple of guardian angels that heard Odie's cry for help.

Then as the man went to sleep in his own bed, he felt like someone was watching as something just went through the window before he heard the sound of the front door opening as he brought out a handgun to shoot at the intruder.

But as he went out of his room without a flashlight and only a handgun, he saw someone come into the hallway, the man raised the gun and aimed it at the mysterious figure as he looked at him with a glare in his eyes, before he transformed into some kind of terrifying cat creature.

Then without warning, the bedroom door closed by itself behind him with the monster walking up to the man as he stared shooting at the creature, but the bullets don't seem to harm the creature at all as if bullets never work on it.

Then as the creature got close to the man with no more bullets to the handgun, the creature loomed over to the man with a glaring look on his face before all of his skin and organs vanished, leaving it as a human/cat skeleton hybrid and the only word that will punish the man for his actions towards his pet dog, Odie.

???: FALL.

With that, the man soon began falling down a hole that led to some kind of underground chamber filled with dead bodies on the walls with the faces with fear and some of them have their intestines ripped out and stuck to the other side of the wall in front of them before the man was pushed into the wall with the other dead bodies with his handgun fell to the floor with the other weapons and pieces of armor from previous encounters with the souls that fell victim to the mysterious creature that managed to send the man to his doom.

Then suddenly, something came from the wall that the man was facing as a large, inky clawed hand appeared from the wall and slowly went over to the man before clawing at his stomach area, exposing his insides and grabbed his intestines before retracting back to the wall, trapping the man to the wall, sealing his fate as he began screaming in pain and tried calling for help, hoping that Odie can hear his cries for help to save him from getting killed by the cat creature.

But no one was there to help him as he looked up to see the hole that is his only way out started to close up as the man kept calling for Odie until the hole closed up, trapping the man with the other souls to pay for his disrespect and mistreatment to his own pet dog, Odie.

He never loved or cared about Odie.....He never did....

Then suddenly, we see the man still on his bed, but he doesn't seem to be breathing at all as he was bleeding from the nose with the man in the white hoodie loomed over him with the orange from before cat on his chest as they did something for the poor dog and they know someone that is willing to take good care of Odie and give him a new home to feel happy again.

Hooded Man: The deed is done....

Location: Jon's House - Uptown Creation City

Then as we cut over to the next morning at Jon Arbuckle's House, the hooded man knocked on the door and Jon Arbuckle answered the door to see who it is, only to find Odie on his doorstep as he seems to be happy to see someone like Jon before he looked outside to see who left the dog on his doorstep at this early in the morning, but there was no there, but the dog.

Then Jon picked up Odie and looked at the dog's collar tag with the dog's name on it has an address on the back that shows where the original owner lives. So, he went over to the man's apartment with Odie in his arms and rang the doorbell multiple times until he waited for him to answer the door, but no one answered as Jon thinks that the man is not home, not even knowing that the man was killed in his own nightmare about the mysterious cat creature called Gorefield as punishment for being a very bad pet owner.

Jon: Hmmm...he must not be home.

Then he looked at Odie that licked his face, making Jon smile as he decided to take care of Odie until the owner comes back.

Which will never happen....

Jon: I guess you'll be staying with me until he returns.

Then Jon went back home with Odie in his arms, giving him a new home and a new life with Jon Arbuckle as his new owner, not even noticing that the hooded man and his cat watched what happened as they both did the right thing, and that Jon is the perfect candidate as Odie's new owner.

Hooded Man: Well, I believe we gave Odie a new home and a new owner for him to be happy again.

Cat: Yes, my son...that man got what he deserved, and he won't be seeing the light of day again now that he will be spending the rest of his life in hell with the other souls that earned the same treatment. Now, let's go back home and celebrate another job well done.

Y/n: Of course, father. I hope Odie will be happy with his new life, now that Jon in this universe will be taking good care of him as his new owner.

Cat: (Transforms into a cloaked anthropomorphic cat) I'm sure Odie and Jon will have a perfect relationship together. (Portal Opens) I think we should have some victory lasagna tonight.

Y/n: You had me in lasagna, dad.

Godfield: I always had my desires to create the perfect lasagna and I am determined to make that happen one day.

Y/n: I'm sure that will happen one day, father.

With that, the two of them left the universe through the portal back to their universe to celebrate another victory and Odie will never forget this happy moment and he thanks the two guardian angels that answered his call for help and for bringing his former owner to justice and giving that horrible man what he deserves.

Wonder what these two will do next on their next adventure?


Note: This short chapter is based on the Gorefield animation, "Odie" made by timmortal as the animation shows how Gorefield is shown to be more than just a monster capable of devouring countless worlds and universes and the power to kill God himself.

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