34. Fate

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Isabella Rose

Dante takes two men with him downstairs. They walk behind us. I look around to find where they have their guns at. If I could just grab one this would be easier.

Dante opens the door and we walk inside.

"Where the fuck is he!" Is the first thing that Dante yells, out of fear. The ropes has been cut and Valentino is nowhere to be seen. This place is  big and filled with boxes and I think he is hiding somewhere behind them.
I look around.

Where are you?!

I spot his black hair peeking out behind the boxes on the left. His eyes find me. And with a quick nod I throw myself over Dante, both of us landing on the cold floor. I grab his gun in his back pocket.

"Take it!" I yell as I throw Valentino the gun as I pin Dante down. The guards don't have enough time to react.
"You fucking bitch" Dante says under his breath.

It all goes so fast the two guards are shot dead in just seconds. Dante throws me off of himself and grabs his knife.

With a quick hand he grabs my hair and pulls me up shielding himself so that Valentino can't shoot.
He puts the knife to my throat. All of us freeze.

"I will fucking kill her if you don't put the gun down!" Dante threatens. My heart is pounding fast. Don't put the gun down. Don't.

Valentino slowly bends down and places the gun on the floor. "Don't hurt her...I put it down." He says with fear in his eyes.

"Kick it to me" Dante demands pushing the knife deeper into my skin. I let tears fall.

"You let her go first" Valentino warns.

The cold steel pressed against my throat sending shivers down my spine, as fear build up.
"I guess I'll fuck your dead body when you're gone." Dante whispers in my ear and I almost throw up. The thought of it making me sick.

In this moment I am to become my own hero. I am to save myself and every other woman that has been assaulted by him. I refuse to be a victim and there will be no more victims. He will not so much as touch another woman ever again.

With shaking hands I grasp the blade, turning the tables. He succeeds to cut me a little but not enough to kill me. We fight for the knife but it drops to the floor. I kick it with my feet as he goes down to grab it.

Valentino grabs the gun and shoots at Dante in the arm. Dante is on the floor screaming.

With burning eyes Valentino steps forward. His voice quivering with a mix of rage and desperation.
"I made a promise to this woman. The moment I got to you I swore to tear you apart." His eyes blaze with intensity that pierces through the darkness.

"Mark my words Dante Wyatt...I'll make you suffer a fate worse than death!"

"No no please..." Dante begs knowing this is it for him.

"I'll make sure you rue the day you ever laid eyes on her!" He says then smashes Dante's head onto the stone floor. Making him pass out.

Without a word Valentino pulls me into his arms. I look up at him crying out of happiness.
In this moment time seems to stand still as our lips meet. His lips warm and tender against mine. I melt into him my fingers tangling in his hair as I savored the taste of him, of love and of freedom. 

I part slightly. "I thought I would never see you again!" I say sobbing. He brushes a stray of tear from my cheek. His touch gentle.
"I promised to protect you. And I intend to keep that promise" he says.

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