33. All lies

760 12 3

Isabella Rose

Dante leads me upstairs.
"You like my new place?" He asks as I look around. 
I hate everything about it. It's dark and feels like a prison. The windows are closed off so nobody can see what happens in here.

"Mhm" Is all I say. So uncomfortable.

"Let's go to my room. I've missed you" he says as I follow him. At this point I do not even care for my own safety. All I want is for Valentino to get out.

We walk into Dante's room.

"On the bed babe" he says.

"But what about my hands. If I can't use them how will this work?" I ask my heart pounding so freaking fast. I try to stay calm but the only thing I want to do is shoot him.

"You're right. We'll tie you up right after then" he says untying my hands too.


I spot a vase by his bed and move slowly over there. Making it seem like I'm getting on the bed. When he takes his shirt off I quickly push the vase down.
"Oh my god I did not mean for that to happen" I say quickly getting down on the floor picking up the broken pieces.

He sighs.

When he looks away I slide one of the porcelain pieces down my back pocket.
This will come in handy.

"Stop being so fucking clumsy" he says lifting me up by grabbing my upper arm.

He puts me on the bed. Shit. I refuse to being raped again.

"Wait I had a surprise for you..." I say.

Fuck do I have to do this.

"And what is that?" he asks as I stand back up and make him sit on the bed.

"I've thought about how you always have been there for me, so I wanted to show you how grateful I am" I say going down on him.

Fuck my life.

He moans as I garb his dick.
"Yes baby... thats right" he says leaning back.

"Where have this side of you been!" he says wile I keep going. At least this way he won't be inside of me.


When he's finished he wants to sleep.
I lay beside him.
"Can I go the toilet?" I ask as he sleepily says. "Mmm"

I take my chance and head for the bathroom. There are a few guards walking around and they lead me to the bathroom.

I get inside and immediately throw up into the toilet. Feeling like my organs will come out.
The thought of it making my stomach hurt.
I then wash my face and try to hold it together as I walk back out.

Now is my chance to get to Valentino. I just have to be sneaky.

I make it look like I'm heading back to the room but I find a way to get downstairs. It's dark inside here so it's hard to spot me.
I hide behind a wall.

Poking my head out just a tiny bit to spot a guard at the door. He's making sure Valentino doesn't get out.


Alright Isabella it's time to show off those fighting skills you just learned.

Let's go.

I walk into the guards vision. "You shouldn't be here" he says.

Despite his size I know I can't back down now. I'm going to do this. And succeed.
I feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. I pull my shoulders back and put my fists up. I'm doing this for Valentino I remind myself.

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