1. Not a bride

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Isabella Rose

These things you only see in movies.
A run away bride. Never thought I would be one but here I am. I have my reasons believe me.
But soon they'll realize I'm no longer in my room they will all come look for me. I have nowhere to go. Nowhere to call home. I cry as I keep on running.

I've made it to town by night. There is a small shop open. I step inside and grab a chocolate bar. I go up to the desk to pay with the only 3$ I succeeded to grab before jumping out my window.

The guy looks at me like he's seen a ghost. "What? have you never seen a bride before?" I ask as he takes the money from me. I open the chocolate bar. It's been forever since I got to eat chocolate. Dante never lets me eat things like this. He says girls should eat salads.

"Are you fine?" The guy asks. I really don't have time for questions so I keep it short.
"I just escaped my own wedding so no I'm not fine" I say taking another big bite of my chocolate. It's so fucking good.
The guy stops asking any more questions and lets me eat in peace.

After a while I walk outside and look around. Where the hell do I go now.

"There she is!" Two guys says pointing at me.
Fuck my life. I start running as the guys chases me. This dress really slows me down.

Today I realized that Dante never was right for me. I've lived in delusion and he would've never loved me.
Dante comes from a big family and his name is familiar all over town and now that I've betrayed him he will probably want to kill me. I feel tears run down my cheeks as I run for dear life. I run for straight 20 minutes with my bare feet.

I spot a big house and without thinking I start banging on the door. A man steps out. He spots my crying face and looks at me worried.
"Oh my god, what can I help you with?" He asks.

"I need to hide somewhere please!" I beg him and he immediately opens the door for me to step inside. Nice guy.
He closes the door as I can finally take relived breaths. The guards will never look for me here.
I hope.
"Here this way" he says as I follow him to the living room.

I sit down on one of the couches. The man has many questions, I can tell by the way he's looking at my dress.

"Oh this is because I jumped out my window and landed on mud" I say pointing at my dirty dress.

"Alright let's start from the beginning, because I have to tell my boss I let you in for a reason" the man says. I nod as he gets seated in front of me.

"I'm Isabella rose. So today was my wedding, well not anymore because clearly I ran away" I say letting out a nervous laugh but stop when I realize he isn't laughing.

"I realized that I was worth more, that there was more this world than my abusive relationship. I've been manipulated throughout our whole relationship and always thought he would do better. I was wrong. No one would come to save me so I did it myself. I ran and now he probably wants to murder me. I've after all embarrassed him in front of everyone." I say as the man looks shocked.

"Wow...okey well who is this horrible man? Some guy that starts with J? I've heard those are always bad for women" He says making me laugh.
I shake my head and hesitate before even saying his name. I just wish I could erase these past 3 years with him.
"Dante Wyatt" I say.

The mans expression changes in a second. His worried face now turns cold and scared.
"Shit. I believe you have to go now. You can't stay any longer" he says standing up and grabbing me by the arm.
He walks me back to the door.
"Wait why I never meant to make you uncomfortable, I have nowhere to go please" I say not knowing what I have done wrong.

"I'm so sorry but my boss would kill you the second he knew who you were." He says and suddenly it feels like everyone wants to see me dead.
"What have I done to your boss?" I ask yanking away my arm from his grip.

Before he can answer the door opens and a tall man with black hair steps inside. He looks me once up and down. "Do I even want to ask?" He says in a low voice and serious face.
"No need to, she was just leaving" the guy pushes me closer to the door.

"No I want to know what I have done to mr serious here" I ask crossing my arms.
He raises an eyebrow as if he is shocked.

"Who is this Oliver? Does she not know who I am?" He asks. Great now I know one name at least.
"Isabella rose" I answer raising a hand like you used to do in school. The man rolls his eyes then looks back at Oliver.
"She's Dante Wyatts wife, well not wife because she just ran away from her own wedding" Oliver says then scratches his neck nervously.

Serious man's face turns cold as he stares me down. "Well this will be fun" he says grabbing a gun from his pocket. What the hell.
"Wait what is happening are you going to kill me" I say as I feel tears fill up my eyes again.

"If I can't kill Dante I'll kill his wife" he says pressing the gun on my forehead.
"No I beg you, I don't know what he did to you but believe me he is my enemy as much as yours" I say now crying. The man doesn't bother to care. His eyes has turned dark. Well I guess it's over then. My life. All of it will end just in a second.

"Wait! Boss maybe she can be good use" Oliver says.

Still no gun shot.

"How will she be that?" the man asks getting his attention back to me.
"You can use her against Dante. If he was ready to marry her he would want her back, she can help us get what we want" Oliver says and I freaking love him for that. Thanks to those words his boss takes the gun away from me.
I let out a breath then fall to the floor. This day is just a nightmare I try to convince myself.

The man grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. "Don't think for one second that you are free. You will from now on work for me and it will be like hell" he says then let's go of me.

"Who do you think you are!" I yell still not able to stand up from all the running. My legs has turned weak.

"If you thought Dante was bad you haven't met me, I'm Valentino Gray your worst nightmare" he says.
No fucking way I have ended up in the Valentino Grays house.

Dante always talked bad about him. He never told me much about work, only when he was frustrated he would tell me about the people who made him angry. And Valentino was mentioned a lot, but I never have actually seen him before. Until now I guess.

"Oliver let her stay upstairs, and tie her hands together so she can't escape again" Valentino says as he too heads upstairs.

"Yes boss" Oliver says then kneels down to my level. "I'm sorry, I tried to warn you, come now let's get you upstairs" he says as I nod. I can only thank Oliver for saving my life twice now.

When we reach upstairs we walk into a beautiful room. Too pretty to be trapped in.
"I have to tie your hands, please forgive me" Oliver says and I don't blame him. He works for that bitch Valentino and does what he has to. I turn around and put my hands together as he ties them.

"Goodnight Isabella" Oliver says then gets out and locks the door. Great now I haven't just escaped my wedding, I am also a prisoner in Valentino Grays house.
This is the worst day of my life.

First chapter done, some thoughts on it?
I hope you liked it!

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