4. Beer

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Isabella Rose

I hear talking from downstairs and head there. Valentino and Oliver stands talking. "Oliver have you come to save me from this grumpy bad tempered man" I say walking down the stairs. Oliver laughs at my attempt to annoy Valentino.

"Ah, I see your back with your usual dose of annoyance" Valentino says not bothering to look at me.

"Common Val she isn't that bad" Oliver says and I hug him.
"Thanks Oliver some of us just don't know that people can actually talk"

"I don't mind talking only when you do it" Valentino says shooting back at me. Oh how fun this is. As I'm about to continue our argument he puts his finger onto my lips. Leaving me speechless.
"Just shut your mouth for a second, you're giving me a headache" he says as I roll my eyes. He then takes away his hand. I stand beside Oliver as they continue their talk.

"So the boys will be at the bar tonight you coming?" Oliver asks Valentino. Why haven't I gotten an invite. I loved to go to bars before I met Dante.

"I'll be there at 10" Valentino says.

"Can I come?" and by the way Valentino looks at me it's a instant no.
He rubs his forehead tired of me.

"Or I guess I could just take my chance to run off. While no guards are here." I say and I know I have won when Valentino freezes.

"Let her have some fun boss" Oliver says supporting my decision.

"Fuck you both. This is a one time thing, understood? And it's only so I can keep an eye on you, so you do not escape while my guards are out." Valentino says walking away leaving me and Oliver.

I'm in disbelief. I get to finally do something fun. And maybe find a way to escape tonight. I could get Valentino blackout drunk and then run for my life until I find a better place. That's a good plan I'm sticking to it.

"You really got him to say yes that's impossible" Oliver laughs. I nod proud of myself.
I wave him off as I head up to get myself ready for tonight. The room I'm in must have belonged to someone because it has some old makeup and clothes in the closet.

I should probably ask. But I guess I could take the yelling if I am not allowed to use the dresses.

I find a dark green dress and put it on. It's tight and shows my figures. It's a lot shorter than i thought so if I dance the dress will probably slid up, but I guess a little butt hasn't hurt anyone. I put my brown hair up in a lose ponytail and let some front pieces out.
For the makeup I only do mascara. I find a pair of sneakers and put them on. If I'm going to escape tonight I have to be able to run and that's impossible in heals. How crazy that the shoes fit me.
And I am all ready to leave.

An hour later Valentino knocks on my door. "We're leaving" he says from outside and I open it. He looks me up and down but stops at my tits.
"My eyes are up here Val" I say rolling my eyes. He immediately looks away from my goodies and leads the way as I follow him. "Don't call me that" he warns as we walk outside the house. I haven't felt fresh air for days.

"What? Val or grumpy?" I ask irritating him more. He lets out an evil laugh.
"Do not test my limits Rosie" he says and I give him a confused look.

"Rosie?" I say not knowing what he meant. He opens the door for me and I step inside. Then he gets in the backseat with me. "You blush a lot talking to me" he says. Am I really. I try to come up with an excuse other than that it's because he makes me nervous.

"It's because you make me angry" I say. As he tells the driver what location we're going to.


We arrive and loud music is playing. Drunk men and women are everywhere. I pull my dress down so it won't slide up that easily. Valentino places his hand on my waist and leads me to the table his friends are at. His touch sending shivers through my body. I push the thought away as I take a seat. I shake hands with some of the people at the table.

"I'm Peter, lovely to meet you" he says planting a kiss onto my hand. I smile as I tell him my name. Valentino takes a seat beside me after he's greeted all of his friends, making it impossible for me to leave. "What do you want to drink?" he asks.

"Ehm...beer?" I say and he makes a surprised face. "What?" I asks as if I've done something wrong.

"Nothing I just didn't think you were a beer type of woman" he says then places his card on the table.
"Get your selfs whatever you guys want, tonight's on me" he says as the whole table cheers.

When all drinks arrive Peter speaks.
"Tonight we toast to our boss who has always taken care of us and made all of this possible" he says as we all raise our glasses and toast.


I have to admit these are really fun people to be around with, only sad that they work for the guy I hate. My plan is going good but it has to be faster. If I am going to get Valentino drunk he has to have a lot more than 3 beers.

"I'm just going to the restroom" I say trying to squish in between the table and Valentino. My ass almost up in his face. Oh god.

I go to pee then head to the bar instead. "Could you get table six some shots?" I ask the bartender. "How many you guys want?" He asks shaking another drink.

"Umm...20" I say. The man nods and I then head back to my seat.

The tequila shots arrive shortly after and is placed on the table. I grab two and place them in front of Valentino. "Who ordered these?" he asks.

"Don't know, common lets take one" I say grabbing one too. I really hate tequila but I do anything if this means I can escape. A few shots down I already feel drunk. Fuck.

"Let's get up and dance" Peter whispers from beside me. I nod as I get up with him. Oliver joins in with another girl. As we are dancing I feel Valentino staring me down. Following every step I take. Peter takes my hand and spins me around. I lose my balance but steady myself and continue to dance. Suddenly a hand slaps right on my ass.

You mother fucker. "What the fuck!" I yell to Peter as he laughs it off. I look over at Valentino he is talking to his friends, and now is my only chance in running. I head for the door and throw it open. I run to behind the house as I try to calm myself.

I am just about to continue running but two guys stop me in place.
"Where are you heading? Mind if we join you tonight" they ask coming closer. Nope not doing this today.

"Walk away guys I'm not interested" I say trying to walk past but one of them grab my shoulder and forces me to turn to them. "It'll be great come with us" one of them says as they grab me by my arms and drag me. "No! Let go!" I try to kick them with my feet but fail. I feel tears run down my cheeks. I should've never tried to escape in the middle of the night. What was I thinking.

Two gunshots go off leaving my ears stinging. The grip on my arms loosens, then the guys drop to the floor. What the hell. I turn around and spot Valentino. His eyes has turned dark as he lowers the gun. Thank god.

"I'm so sorry, I won't ever do that again" I say crying. Terrified of the dead body's beside me. I walk towards him not wanting to stand in between the bodies.
I don't know why, maybe it is the alcohol, or the fact that I am no longer scared of Valentino but I hug him digging my face into his chest. He doesn't hug back but I do not care, it's just nice knowing he saved me.

I pull away and wipe away my tears. "Let's go home" he says not yelling at me for trying to run away. As I start walking he stops me, then grabs the end of my dress and pull it down.
"Your ass was out" He says as I let out a little laugh. "Thank you" I answer as he walks me back to the car.
We get in and head home.

What do we think?
Also if you have any advise tell me in the comments!

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