20. Better days

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Isabella Rose

"I'm fine I promise. You really did save me Tanya" I say while talking on FaceTime.

"Omg I'm so relieved! It's like the second you said the word I knew, I just knew what to do." She says. She was very worried about me. And it's actually so impressive how she remembered the time I told her about where Valentino lives.

"I knew Valentino would save you, it seems like he doesn't care for anything but you" she says.

I shake my head. "If that only were true" I say dropping my head.

"No seriously he only listened when I mentioned your name and it actually seemed like he was worried and stressed when I told him about you" she says.
"Valentino? Stressed? Please, Impossible." I say laughing. Tanya must be making things up.

Someone knocks on the door. "Alright I have to hang up but I will be back soon" I say blowing her a kiss and hang up. I haven't told her yet about what happened at Dante. Honestly I don't know if I ever want to tell anyone about it. I just want to forget it happened and move on. But it's easier said than done. Everything reminds me of the terrible time there. I want to throw up every time I think of it.

"Come in!" I yell from the bed. Matteo steps inside with a plate of food.

"Are you feeling any better?" He asks putting the plate on the desk beside my bed. I nod in response. Honestly I'm not better. And I don't think it can get any better from now on. It's like I hate myself. I hate my body, I just want to get out of it not having to deal with my past. It's hurting so much just thinking about how Dante used me. And I keep thinking about that every hour of the day. Will it ever go away?

"I missed you" he admits and I smile.
"I missed you to, I'm so...so sorry for ruining it all" I say fidgeting with my fingers again.

"Don't worry about that, I'm just glad you're back and safe" he says.

"Are you getting better?" I ask because last time me and Matteo talked he promised he would go to rehab and get clean. I still haven't told Valentino because he didn't want that. "I've been clean for 5 weeks now" he says proud of himself.
"That's amazing Matteo I'm so happy for you! Keep fighting alright" I say taking his hand and squeezing it.

"You deserve to be happy" I say as he nods slightly.

Oliver steps inside and takes a seat on the other side of the bed. "Why wasn't I invited" he says jokingly.

"Can it be because you're annoying?" Matteo says laughing. I've missed them so much. I haven't known them for long but it feels like we have been friends forever.

"Is Valentino... I mean is he mad?" I ask nervous. They look at each other.

"He was very mad at you at first, but then it kind of switched... He became different. Almost as if he was worried. I've never seen him like that before" Oliver says almost not believing himself.

"Well he was going to send me there either way, so I don't think he was worried when I ended up at Dante's. He never cared, he was going to leave me there" I say and both of the boys get quiet. They are hiding something I can tell.
"Is there something you haven't told me?" I ask curious.

"Sooo... before you ran away Valentino did change the plan you guys made." Oliver says and I look at him confused. What does that mean he never told me that.

"The plan was always to get the papers, but he changed the deal. He was going to save you right after you got the papers. He swore he wouldn't get you hurt" Oliver says and honestly I don't know what to say or feel right now.

"Why did he not tell me" I ask. All of this wouldn't have happened if he just had told me the truth. That last night before I ran he told me I had to go back to Dante, but he never mentioned he would save me. I always assumed he would leave me to die. Why wouldn't he tell me.

"You know how he is Bella. I think it scared him." He says.

"Scared of what" I ask not understanding anything.

"Common it's obvious, you've changed him in a way. He wants to protect you but won't admit it to himself." Oliver says. Could it be true that he cares for me.

"I need to talk to him" I say as they both smirk at each other.
"You two are just like little kids" I roll my eyes.

"He's in his room with a doctor" they say and I stand up to go to Valentino.
I walk through the hall and knock on his bedroom door.
When no one answers I just open it Valentino sits shirtless on his bed. A doctor is helping him with some wounds. "Oh sorry... I didn't want to disturb" I say closing back the door half way so I don't keep looking at Valentino. My cheeks go pink.

"Thank you doctor that's enough for today" he says to the sweet man.

"You can come in Bella" he says and I walk inside.

He puts a shirt on as I stand there awkwardly. I don't know what to say or where to start. "How are you, is your back fine?" I ask because I know he got shot.

He nods. He's very quiet.
He usually finds a way to mock me and I him. That's usually how we communicate. By joking and talking back at each other. But this time it's different.

"Have you forgiven me?" I ask because I don't want him to be mad at me. He does have a right reason to.

"Not yet" he answers, I guess he needs time then.

"Can I ask you something?" I say.

"When are you not?" Ahhh, there it is. He's back. The joking again. I roll my eyes.
"Were you going to save me the day we got to Dante?" Our eyes meet and something in him softens. He nods slightly, barley noticeable. Not really wanting to answer it.

"I... I thought you would leave me, honestly after our last talk I thought you'd be the one killing me" I admit. It's true i always thought Valentino was going to shoot me.

He walks to his desk and takes a seat on the chair behind it. "You know the answer to that Bella." He rolls up his sleeves. One arm is on his desk flipping his pencil. I raise an eyebrow waiting for his answer.
"Are really going to make me say it" he rolls his eyes. I jump up on the desk taking a seat on it. Listening. Waiting.

"I would never hurt you, you're stupid to even think that" he admits and a smile tugs at my lips.

He's so hard to understand. One moment he hates me and the other he protects me. It's an odd feeling knowing he promises to never hurt me. I've never had someone to protect over me and now suddenly he cares. I can't help but smile. It's something I've never experienced before. I feel like a kid because it feels stupid to feel this happy about his words.
'I would never hurt you' 
This will be stuck with me for a while because all this time I thought the opposite. I thought he did want to hurt me as soon as the 4 weeks ended.
I was very wrong and I'm happy I was.

"Thank you, asshole" I say sarcastically then grabbing his hand softly. His thumb brushing the top of my hand.
It feels good to smile again.

What would you like to see more of in this story? Any tropes or good ideas, comment and I will try to make it happen!

Love you all!

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