12. Books

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Isabella Rose

We arrive to Valentinos house and I immediately go to my room. I spend the past three hours in here reading a book.

A knock on my door brings me back to reality and I put the book down to go open the door. I spot Matteo. He cries.
"I need someone to talk to" he says as I immediately go up to hug him.
"What happened?" I ask worried for him. We step inside my room and sit on my bed.

He struggles to breathe.
"Hey deep breaths" I say putting a supporting hand on his back.
He inhales and exhales a few times before calming down.

"I don't want this" is the first thing he says. I don't know what he means.
"Want what?" I ask. He doesn't want to say it I can tell.

"I'm back at it again" he adds rubbing his forehead in stress. I stay quiet for him to finish. 
"Please tell me to stop, do something that will stop the need." He says.

"Matteo I don't understand" I say as he finally meets my eyes. They are red. Has he been taking drugs? Is this what it is about?

"The drugs I need them!" He says sounding so desperate.
He grabs his head wishing he never told me.
"I need help. But I also need the drugs Bella" he says and I shake my head.

"For how long has this been going on?" I ask. He doesn't respond just cries.
I put my hand on his back and move it up and down for comfort.
"You can't tell Valentino. He would hate me. He thinks I've quit." He says so disappointed in himself.

"Promise me you won't tell him. I couldn't live knowing my brother is disappointed in me." He says and I nod. I won't. But I also won't let him do drugs.

"He's all I have..."

"I want to help you Matteo." I say as he nods slightly.

"What upset you today?" I ask because clearly something happened.

"I overheard the conversation Valentino and Oliver had in the office. They talked about how Valentino has gave up everything for me.
Just so I won't get killed. He signed papers with Dante. Papers that could get us homeless.
They made a contract. If Dante promises to never hurt me Valentino would do the same." he says.

"And here I am still using drugs when my brother gave up everything for me. I'm hopeless. No wonder everyone hates me" Matteo says still crying.

I hug him. "I don't hate you. Don't ever say that" i say as he brings his arms up to hug me back.
A few minutes later I've managed to calm him down. He's laying in my bed just thinking.
He's got so much going on that I never knew of.
You really never know what someone is going through.

I open my door to bring Matteo some water. But spot Valentino coming towards my room.

"Is he in there" he says. I nod.
He moves forward to step inside but I stop him in place. "No" I say looking up at him. He takes a step back and I close the door behind me.

"What is he doing in there?" He asks almost like he's jealous. "He needs to be alone for awhile, he's very sad" I answer.

"Sad? About what?" He says confused but also worried.
I promised Matteo to not tell him. I always keep my promises.
"It's about a love interest" I say lying. I feel horrible for lying, but Matteo's well being is much more important.

Matteo is now my priority. I will do everything for him to get better. And when I set my mind on something I will succeed.
I actually do get Valentino now. Those papers aren't just any papers. It's so he can kill the man that made his brother this way. I get it all now. This is why Valentino never wanted me to talk to Matteo. Just because when I leave Matteo will feel alone again.

"I'm letting him stay just this once" he warns and I nod. "Just for today" I say in agreement.

"I want to show you something" he says and starts walking downstairs.
I run after and just to tease him I put my hand in his. He doesn't seem as surprised as I wanted him to.
He holds my hand as he leads the way.
To be honest i like having my hand held by him. It's...safe.
With Dante it would always feel so forced.

He opens a door and inside is a big library.
My mouth drops to the floor.
"Since when was all of this here" I say letting go of his hand and look through the books.
"There wasn't, I made it recently" he says as I grab a few books.

"I love books" I say smiling so big.
"I know you do" he says leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed watching me. I start blushing.
Did he do this for me?

"So you do have a soft side" I say. He walks closer. Standing in front of me. He leans closer, the only thing between us are the books I'm holding.
"Maybe I do" he says for once agreeing with me.

"Oh so you admit it! I'm going to tell the whole world Valentino Gray has turned soft" I say sarcastically. He puts on a smile.

"Only for you amore" he says.
I push the books on his chest making him step back because he makes me nervous. He holds the books for me now.
"I'm going to take these up to my room" I say trying to change the subject, I have turned bright red.

I walk past him and he follows me back upstairs. I need to talk to Matteo right now so I stop outside my door and turn around to say my goodbyes.

I grab the books from his hands.
"Well thank you for the books" I say shyly. God I don't know how to act around him anymore. "That's it?" He asks with a smirk.

I take a step closer to him. Standing on my toes I give him a kiss on the cheek.
"See you around Val" I say opening my door and entering my room.
"Yeah, see you soon Amore" he says as I close the door.

What do you think of Matteo?

And what are your thoughts on our main girl Isabella?
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