16. See you soon

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Isabella Rose

It's been a few days and nobody has been banging on our door. I pray that Châu didn't tell where I live now since he knows both me and Tanya.

And if he has I need to find somewhere else to stay. I have nowhere to go so that is going to be hard.

I got the late shift tonight. I'm starting work at 6 pm and end it at midnight.
I put my long hair up in a ponytail to keep it out of my eyes. Then I put on the uniform everyone have to wear. It's the rules. They are quite ugly too. But what should I expect, it's not a five star restaurant I work at. I laugh at myself looking at the brown clothes on me.

"Isabella can you take care of table 5" one of my colleagues yell. I nod and get out to work. Lets go Bella you got this!


I finish my shift and start to head home. Suddenly I feel like I'm being followed. I do not dare to look behind me so I keep walking but faster. I turn a corner and this time I'm sure. This man in a black hat is following me. I start running. Trying to take every possible turn so that he can't keep up.

Finally I think I have succeeded and run back to Tanya's pace. I run up and knock on the door. "I'm being followed" is the first thing I say as I step inside.
Tanya looks like a mess I guess I just woke her up. Her hair is crazy and her mascara is everywhere else but her lashes.

"What, are you sure?!" She says in panic. She closes the door and locks both of the locks.
"I know it" I say while packing a bag.

"What are you doing! You have nowhere else to go Bella" she says and it's true. But as long as I'm here she's in danger. And I can't risk them coming to Tanya's house threatening her.

"If I don't go now you are in danger" I say and she shakes her head. "Nothing will happen to me, they can't do shit" she says so sure of herself.

"No you don't get it these men are cruel, they use guns on people daily" I say grabbing some money I have saved in a drawer and putting it in my bag.
She's the best thing that has happened to me recently and I can't risk it.

"Well if they have guns I have my fists. I'll punch them" she says making me laugh.
"You're stupid" I say smiling.
"You're even more stupid for leaving!" She says.

She grabs my wrist and turns me to look at her. Then she hugs me tight. She's never really had any friends either and honestly it's very hard leaving her. Nothing can make me stay here now and she knows it.

"I'll call you every other day and you have to answer. And if you are in trouble just text me a secret code" she says.

I back off a little to look at her. "A secret code?" I ask.

"Yes...a word...like Tea" she says.

"Tea?" I question. She laughs. "Well it's short and easy and nobody would figure it out." She says handing me my phone. I grab it and give her a nod.

"I will miss you a lot" I admit walking towards the front door. "Let's not see this as a goodbye, more like a see you later" she says and I give her a nod in approval.

"See you soon" I say then leaving.


This time I have some money for a cheap motel. I saved up some while working at the restaurant. Not for long but it's enough until I figure out where to go next.

I hope on a bus and let it take me as far away as possible. On the last stop I get off and start walking. This really is my hobby now huh. Running away.

Suddenly i get a weird feeling. A lump in my stomach. I look around me and realize I'm surrounded by men dressed the same. Fuck.

I freeze in place. "Who are you guys?" I ask nervously. Everyone is quiet. All I can hear is the wind blowing in my ear.

"Don't you recognize my men babe" a manly voice says. I know that voice from miles away. It's him. Dante. I....i don't know what to do. I'm trapped. Surrounded and if I run I'm probably not going to make it.

"Shocked to see me? It's been what... three months, you thought I wouldn't find you huh?" he says. I am still not able to talk.

He moves closer raising his hand to touch my face. I flinch when his cold fingers meets my cheek. "Don't be scared, I'll take care of you back home" he says smirking. Take care of me. More like torturing me. I get a sudden strength as I yank his hand away from my face. "Don't touch me. I want nothing to do with you" I say holding back the tears. Stay strong I remind myself.

He looks at me and thinks for a moment.

"Take her" he waves his hand. His men go it to grab me by each arm and I start screaming and kicking. "No. No I won't go back!" I yell as I feel a needle go into my skin. It immediately makes me paralyzed. I can't feel my feet or arms. My eyes start to close. I try so hard keeping them open but gosh it's hard. What did they just give me. One single tear falls before I go to sleep.


I wake up. My head feels heavy almost like I hit it. I sit up and blink a couple of times to get a good vision. I'm in a basement. No windows just one exit and it's a door, I would guess is locked. I bring my knees to my chest and rest my arms on them. What now.

I don't know what to feel. I'm mad but at the same time so scared. The door in front of me opens and Dante stands there.

"You look hot" he says and I feel so disgusted. My nails dig into my skin as I stay quiet.

"I was starting to think I wouldn't find you. But look... here we are, the world just wants us to be together" he says like we are meant to be. Disgusting pig.

"Stop being a brat and answer me!" he says.

"You haven't asked me anything" I say making him irritated.

"Tell me, what should a man do to the woman that left him on their wedding day?" He asks with a bitter tone. He's mad.

"What should I do to you now, you have to be punished babe" he asks again.

"Take a hint maybe? It isn't that hard to figure out why I left...I'll help you out...I never loved you" I say and regret it immediately as i get slapped right across my face.

"You fucking bitch! Since when did you become so cocky" he spits.

"I became cocky right around the time I realized how easy it is to outwit someone like you." I say giving him the same attitude back. If I am going to die at least I won't regret yelling at Dante.

"I'll teach you a lesson" he says and starts taking fast steps towards me. I back up to a corner. He grabs my hair and drags me by it to the middle of the room. I start yelling because of how much it hurts. He lets go of my hair and in just a second he rips open my pants. Shit. I turn to look up at him. This fucking pig.

As he starts to unbutton his pants, I lift my foot up and kick him right on his dick. He falls to the ground not making any sound just a weird face.
"Hurts like a bitch huh?!" I yell getting back on my feet and try to cover myself with the fabric of my now ripped up pants.

Dante's men come in and help him up. They drag him out and lock the door.

My heart is beating so fast and I can't calm down. I don't know how to get out. I need to go. He's going to torture me in here until I do as he says.

I wish I never left Tanya. Maybe this would not have happened then. I blame myself for everything. I just want a home where I feel safe. A place where I never have to worry about being followed. And it seems like I will never be getting that.

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