11. In the rain

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Isabella Rose

I grab Valentinos phone and take funny selfies.
"Stop with that" he says trying to reach for it while driving. I laugh for myself then he succeeds to take it from me.
"Now you have my face all over your camera roll" I say giggling. "Yeah thanks for giving my phone a virus" he answers putting the phone in his front pocket. "I'm not a virus" i say crossing my arms while rolling my eyes.

"I hate you" I say.

"Didn't say that last night when you pressed your lips on mine" he says reminding me of how fucking stupid I was. "It was just because you wouldn't give me a cigarette asshole" I say making sure it was nothing more.
"Mhm sure." Valentino says teasingly.

It's night and raining. The road is empty, its actually really scary out here at night.
Suddenly the car stops. What the fuck. "Shit" Valentino says rubbing his forehead with one hand.

"What happened?" I ask confused of why we've stopped. His eyes meet mine. "The car stopped working amore." He says then gets out of the car. He opens the front and tries to find the problem. This can't be happening right now. I can't be stuck in the middle of the road with him.

When he gets back inside he is soaking wet from the rain. "Its not going to work." He sighs.
"Wait so are we stuck here! Call somebody" I say starting to panic. He picks up the phone and tries calling. "Fucking hell" he says slamming onto the steering wheel.
"there is no signal out here" he says and I close my eyes hoping this is just a nightmare.

"Well we have to wait till tomorrow I guess." Valentino says and I shake my head. No. I can't be in the same room as him for a whole night.

"No I'm not going to stay in here" I say stepping out. Feeling the cold rain hit me. I start walking into the woods to find anyone that can help us.

"Bella you come back right now" He yells from the car. "I'm not dragging your dead body out the forest if you die out there" he yells but I continue walking away. I hear a loud groan and suddenly he is beside me walking. Knew he would join me.

"I would be surprised if you for once did as I said." He says as we both are walking deeper into the forest, soaking wet. We walk for about 15 minutes and I'm freezing. I try to hug my body.

Valentino realizes it, then he takes off his jacket and gently puts it on me. "Remind you we wouldn't be here if you had just listened to me." He says.

"Im not just going to sit and wait for help when I know no one is coming" I say and just as he is about to talk back I spot a wooden house.
"Val look." I say pointing at it. We head to the house and he knocks on the door. When no one is opening Valentino kicks the door open.

"What are you doing" I say out of shock. "I'm not walking another 20 minutes love, we will be staying here end of discussion." He says and this time I do as he says because I'm too cold to be walking anywhere else.

It's empty so it has to mean nobody lives here. There is some old furniture though. The bed is for two people and thank god it has a blanket. I run to the bed and wrap myself in the blanket.

Valentino kneels down and tries to light the firewood. Thankfully he always has a lighter on him.
After a while he succeeds to light the fire.
"Come here and warm up" he says and I do, we sit on the hard floor. I stretch my arms out to feel the heat of the fire. "Better?" He asks.

"Don't worry I won't freeze till death" I say smiling. I feel how my energy disappears. If I have no energy to annoy Valentino we have a problem.
I have to sleep. 
I yawn as I move back to the bed still cold. This bed is big enough for both of us. I take the left side. "Aren't you going to sleep" I say breathing uneven from the cold.

"Would you be comfortable with that?" He asks. I haven't told him a lot about my past, how Dante always invaded my personal space and took advantage of me while sleeping. So him making sure I'm comfortable is actually really sweet.
I think for a second before nodding.

"Mhm it's fine" I say. He takes off his shirt so it can dry till tomorrow. Then he moves towards me and gets in the bed. He gets under the blanket and I can't help but look at those sexy abs.

Get it together Isabella.

He lays on his side facing me but I lay on my back not wanting to meet his eyes.

"You're shivering" he says.
Well I after all have wet clothes on in a cold ass house, no wonder I'm freezing.

He touches my upper arm. "Your cold" he says. "I'm fine" I say smiling at the ceiling.

"Turn around, on your side" he says and when I don't he grabs me and rolls me over to my side. My back is now facing him. "What are y-"
I feel his warm body against my back.

"Is this fine amore?" he asks and honestly its more than fine because I'm getting warm. I nod. And he puts his hand on my waist pulling me even closer, now hugging my body like a pillow. "This is only because I don't want you dead yet, remember I need you for the job" he says and I nod. "Mhm" I mumble in a sleepy voice.

I can feel his warm breath on my neck. And in just seconds I close my eyes and fall asleep.


I wake up with the sun hitting my face. But I freeze as soon as I realise how we slept all night.
"Morning" Valentino says and I can feel something hard against my back. No god no. I get out of bed then look at it. Why is he hard right now. "I'm just going to ignore the fact that you have a boner right now." I say moving my attention to his face.

"Its not my fault you kept pushing your hips on me all night" he says smiling sleepy. Ive never actually seen him like this before. And something about morning Valentino makes me feel some type of way.
"I would never do that" I say knowing I move around a lot while sleeping.

"Its fine amore every guy has one in the mornings." He say standing up to put on his shirt that is now dry.

"So we have to call somebody, I refuse to stay here one more hour with you." I say and he agrees. "Something we can agree on." He says as he picks up his phone.
When he calls this time it seems to work because he starts talking on the phone. Finally some help.

"They are coming" he says and I let out a relived sigh.

"Finally" I say grabbing his coat from last night and put it on myself. He eyes me up and down once and I start blushing again.

"You look good in my clothes Rosie" he says with a slight smirk. I know I shouldn't be affected by him this much but god he knows what works I'm me. And I hate it. I hate it so much because I know I will miss it when I'm gone. I will miss our annoying fights and this unspoken thing between us. I hate myself for it. For allowing him to give me butterflies.

A Friday special! Two chapters this week hope you guys like it.

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Love you all<3

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