Child prodigies are in, Babs is out, figuratively

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I finalise the last details of my outfit and sigh. It looks alright, but Mum is really making everyone annoyed. She snaps, "I don't want to be melodramatic, but if those orphan brats get their grimy little hands on my sugar bowl before me... I don't even know what I'll do. I'll gouge out my eyes, then your eyes, then your eyes, then all eight of yours."
She glares at the two old women with glasses and I groan as we walk. Heels. Why did we have to choose heels? I walk into the reception, and I stare at the woman opposite me. She sighs, "Name?"
"Doctor... Medical school," I look at Olaf, "His name is Doctor Medical school. My name is... Matilda?"
Her name tag says Babs, and I continue, "The nurses and interns or whatever, but Medical school is the main man."
She looks down a list, and takes out a brown paper bag. I think she is having a panic attack, but it's hard to tell. She's been like this for ages. Babs gasps, "Must be a mistake! Okay, have you got ID?"
Olaf moves round a little fake ID so she can't get a good look, and Bab's continues, "We have to be careful not to let in murderers. Welcome to Heimlich hospital. You can't go yet though. The little girl here, Matilda, has to fill in paperwork. Paperwork makes the world go round!"
I groan, snatching the paperwork off of her and sitting down. The paperwork will take me forever, and I sigh, "Ola... Doctor Medical School? I'm not doing this."
Olaf leans down to me, and hisses, "Oh yes you are, and if that doesn't get done, don't expect to be let out of the car the entire time we are here."
I scoff and turn to the paperwork. Question one.

1) What is your full legal name?
Matilda Bladieblah
2) What is your age?
3) What is your legally recognised gender?
pretty princess? Female
4) Occupation?
5) Have you suffered from any recent fractures, breaks, or sprains of bones or joints?
I punched a girl in the nose, and it broke, but I didn't suffer at all :)
6) Are there any reasons to why are you at this hospital other than work?
Because I'm looking for a sugar bowl
7) Are you in contact with anyone on the Lam?
Oddly specific question, boo. Not currently, technically. What should I write here if the person I'm with has been reported dead but isn't?
8) Any extra information?
No, but I've got some good suggestions. Babs, lets start with her. Honestly, fire her. She can't deal with people who aren't on the list, and it's a hospital. You are going to get people who are emergencies, and is she is going to make them fill out paperwork? I highly doubt it. And, I don't like her haircut. It went out MONTHS ago. Get with it. The reception is dirty, and the signs leading everywhere make it really hard to hide. Also, why have a half finished hospital? People gave me and the people I'm with dirty looks.

I hand my paperwork over to Olaf and Mum, who both look at it. Mum smiles as she reads, and Olaf glares at the paper. He must be in a really bad mood, because I did a really, really good job at the paperwork. Both of them answer at the same time.
"This is so good, Xalia May!"
"This is possibly the worst piece of paper that I think I've ever seen."
They exchange glances and Olaf hands me the paperwork. He demands, "Your occupation can't be single?"
"Well I'm not taken!" I argue. Olaf rubs his temples, before sighing, "Okay, sit down with me, we can go through it together."
I sink into the seat next to Olaf, and he points at the occupation question. He sighs, "Do you know what the word occupation means?"
Slowly and reluctantly, I shake my head. Olaf says, "Okay, this is the first step. So, and occupation is a job. I'm an actor, your mum is a..."
"I'm the cities sixth most important financial advisor," Mum beams. The hench person with hook hands interrupts, "I don't know if you are actually, ever since you went on the run with Olaf-"
"I am the cities sixth most important financial advisor," Mum repeats, a little more firmly at this time. I look back at Olaf, who sighs, "Cross that little thing out, and just put intern. There you go! I mean, whatever."
Olaf takes the paperwork out my hands, and hands it over to Babs. She reads over it, and I smile, desperate for her to just let us in. After what feels like hours, she says, "Right, well, now you just have to fill in the last page."
Olaf snatches the paperwork and rips the last page. He crumples it up and asks, "What last page?"
Babs sighs, "Well, I guess I could let her through, considering she did give extra information on here, which basically counts... fine. Only if I can see her medical ID."
I look at Olaf, who slowly slips me his fake ID. Quickly, I move the ID round, so she can't see the massive revoked stamped across it. Then, I hand it back to Olaf, who smiles. Babs looks at us, and asks, "Are you father and daughter?"
"No-" Olaf begins.
"Stepfather, sort of," I shrug, "Not like it matters. He's my mum's boyfriend, so he kind of is my stepdad. Not legally recognised. That'd be a lot of paperwork. Especially considering everyone think's he's dea-"
Mum nudges me and Olaf laughs, "Kids these days. I would know. I'm a doctor!"
Babs nods, but before she can say anything, we start walking down the hall. Truthfully, I don't like her. I mean, after she reads what I said in additional information, she won't like me either, but who cares. My haircut is in, hers is out. My mum is Esme Gigi Genevieve Squalor. Hers. Is. Not. I'm winning. Olaf is winning. Mum is winning. We're a proper family. Everyone knows that a family is two adults, and up to two children. That's always been mum's sayings. Three kids? I mean, who wants to be pregnant three times? The Quagmires weren't, but that's not the point. The point is, I am in, and Babs is not.

Xalia Squalor; because sometimes being in is not enoughحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن