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I woke up with an aching body. I looked around. I was sitting on the cold floor in a small unfamiliar slightly dark room.
Someone coughed in front of me. I looked and saw Ace looking at me.
"You", I scoffed. I tried to stand but something pulled me back by my wrists.
"What the..". I looked at my wrists and saw that each of them were bound with chains. "What in the bloody hell is this?", I snapped.
"It's my brother. He thinks you're a vampire. He plans on starving you for a long time to see if you'll dessicate", Ace said.
I could feel my rage but I couldn't concentrate on it.
"Isn't that wonderful? Impes"
Nothing happened.
"It's not gonna work. Those chains are anti-magic and they have been fortified with so much dark magic that a vampire can't break free from it. Also, Aiden injected you with a large dose of anti-magic potions. It makes you unable to focus on your magic", Ace said with a sad face. I rolled my eyes.

"Is that a sad face? Oh please don't make me laugh. Aren't you supposed to be revelling in my condition? After all, you've always wanted to see me suffer. You can as well kill me now. I've got nothing to live for"
"One day you'll see just how wrong you are"
He held out a muffin for me.
"You must be hungry"
Isn't it obvious?
I grabbed the muffin from him and stuffed it in my mouth. And suddenly, I felt a sharp pain as if excessively boiled water was poured into my mouth. I quickly spat out the muffin and coughed. Ace's eyes widened.
"Oh my god. Aiden must have put anti-magic potion in there"
At the mention of his name, I felt very angry. I grabbed Ace's collar and pulled him closer to me.
"When you get out of here, tell your brother that I said I won't be here forever. Tell him that when I get out, heads will roll", I said into his face. Then I let go of him and adjusted his collar. He stood up.
"I'm really sorry this had to happen"
And he sounded sincere. Then he left.


A week, I think, had passed since I was locked up. I hadn't eaten since then. It was a wonder how I was still thinking well. No one came to see me after Ace did. I was hungry and angry. I couldn't believe that I let history repeat itself. I let my memories wander to when I was a 16 years old teenager in Paris. I was captured by a witch I loved.
I know that y'all probably think I can't love but to tell you the truth, I can. And I did love the witch. I mean I didn't know he was a witch till he captured me and bound me in his basement. It was just as dark as and silent as this place I'm in. He called his coven members to kill me. Their mistake was that they bound me with normal chains.
I mean who binds a witch with normal chains? Of course I broke off the chains and I found him and his coven reciting a spell probably to kill me. When I looked at his face, I got so angry and bloodthirsty that I hit them with a migraine so severe it melted their brains. I saw the blood flowing from their eyes, ears and nostrils but I was sated. I wanted more blood, more tears, more pleas for mercy.
That day, another city was added was added to my list of burnt cities.
When I got out from that memory, I saw my so-called mate looking at me with a devilish smirk.
"Hello mate"

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