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Jenna walked into the library to check on Ace. He hadn't woken up from his slumber for days.
As she took a few more steps in, the door closed behind her and a dagger flew towards her. She scoffed and flicked her wrist. The dagger disintegrated into powder.
"I thought we did this before. Do we really have to do it again?", she said and Ace revealed himself. He was furious.
"You're awake. I was about to come release you since you were too much of a coward to face your fears", Jenna said as she began to walk to him.
"You've signed your death warrant. I don't care if you're my brother's mate. After all, he can have another one since he's an alpha"
Now Jenna was only a few inches from him. She patted his cheek.
"Now now Ace. Your rage can't hold a candle to what my rage can do. So for the time being, reign it in. We don't want me getting mad now do we. I just came to offer a truce. You teach me spells and I try not to slaughter you or anyone else"
Ace huffed.
"You must think yourself so big huh. Have you ever like, had a boyfriend?", he asked.
Jenna shrugged.
"Not really. They don't last. I either get bored of them and kill them or they get bored of me and breakup and I kill them or whatever. But it always ends up in me killing them"

"You know, you've got a lot of blood on your hands. I should end you now"
"You can try ", Jenna challenged.
Ace had had enough. He balled his hand into a fist and collided it with her face. She smirked and held the collar of his shirt with her two hands.
"Wrong move". She lifted him and hauled him backwards. He fell on one of the wooden tables and it shattered. He got to his feet and pulled out a dagger from under his belt. He held out his other hand and began to walk to her as he recited a spell.
"Per sanguinem, dolorem affer, quem peto"
Jenna screamed and covered her ears. She fell on her knees and began to bleed from her eyes and nostrils. She removed her hands from her ears and looked at them. They were stained with blood.
"See how it feels? Don't worry, I'll make sure to tell my brother how scared you looked before your demise"
He was now standing over her. He raised the dagger to stab her.
What happened next was unexpected.
Jenna held his raised arm. She quickly got to her feet and twisted it, certainly breaking some bones. Ace screamed as the pains and sound of his bones breaking reached him. The dagger fell from his hand. Jenna held his chin tightly. She was panting with blood smeared all over her face and now on her shirt. She was a mess and she wore a murderous look. She brought her face closer to Ace's.
"I can end you right now with just a snap of the neck. And you know what, your brother won't do shit. He can't kill me, I'm his mate. According to your books, if he kills me he'll be depressed. And if he's not strong enough to handle it, he'll die. And there's no way in hell, that I'll die without taking him and all his pack members down with me. And now, goodbye Ace. Enjoy your stay in hell"
She put her other hand at the back of his neck and twisted forcefully, breaking his neck.


I just came out of my office and locked the door. I turned and made to leave but someone shoved me against the door and pinned me there.
My eyes widened.
Madison- my ex.
"Mady, what's going on?". I looked behind her and saw two hefty bodyguards.
Ok. This is gonna be a problem.
"'What's going on?' That's what you're gonna ask me? We had a thing and you just broke us up because you found your mate", Mady half yelled.
Oh this girl.
"But we agreed that when either of us finds a mate, we'll break it off", I argued.
"Well I don't wanna"
"Doesn't seem like you've got a choice"
I felt a sharp pain at my abdomen. I looked down to see that I had been stabbed with a silver dagger.
"If I don't have you then no one else will. If you don't reject your mate the next place you're gonna find that dagger is your heart"
I growled.
"What's going on here?"
Perfect timing
My mate appeared in the walkway. She looked messy, with blood on her face and shirt. When she noticed my weak expression, she made to move closer but the two bodyguards moved close to each other to obstruct her and she heaved a sigh. It sounded frustrated. Then she grabbed the guy at her right by the collar, lifted him and threw him over us. He slammed into the wall with the sound of his bones cracking and he landed, unconscious. The other guy tried to hit her but she grabbed his arm and twisted it so hard his bones cracked. He wailed and he kneed him on the crotch. He bent due to the pain and she hit him on the spine with a force that cracked it. He slumped. My mate looked livid. Whoever it was that previously vexed her had certainly weakened her. She walked up to Mady and held her chin.
"Look, I dunno who you are but bitch I'm telling you, I'm his mate. I determine when he dies and I'm the only one who gets to kill him. Now I don't wanna kill you since you're a female. But if I ever see come near my mate or even in this building, you won't live to tell the story"
And just like that, she broke her neck.

"I leave you for two seconds and some hideous bitch tries to murder you", she said as she turned to me. I huffed and rolled my eyes.
"I would've handled it myself"
"Yeah you would've", she said. Her lips twisted into a smile and it was genuine. It was then that I observed her face properly. The blood seemed to have flowed from her eyes, nostrils and ears. A werewolf couldn't cause such bleeding. Whoever she fought with is a witch. And there were only two witches in the house. She and Ace.
"Who did you fight with?", I asked internally dreading the answer.
"Oh. Ace. I went to release him from the spell but he had already woken up. Then I offered a truce and told him to teach me spells but he tried to kill me so I had no other choice but to kill him"
Oh my god.
How could she be so casual about it?
And then I felt it. Rage.
I grabbed her neck.
"How dare you?!", I yelled in her face. Her smile vanished.
My hand was suddenly yanked from her neck and I was flung to the wall. The lights went out and came back and there were violent sparks coming from the ceiling and light bulbs.
"He should count himself lucky that I granted him a quick and painless death. Not everyone who crosses me gets that privilege. It was just a brief snap of the neck. Just like gorgeous over there"
She turned to leave but paused.
"And don't even try to do anything stupid. I'm in a foul mood. I will behead you and burn everything and everyone else in this pack and nothing will be taken out of me. Do you know why? I care for no one. Maybe you should do that too"
She left and the tears fell.

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